Thursday, March 6, 2014



Love what you do and you NEVER work a day in your life…  I guess The Fat Loss Coach has been on vacation for a very long time…  I LOVE to help my clients be the BEST they can be spirit, mind and body… 

A client recently lost 12 lb. in only three weeks and his comment was “I do not mind my new lifestyle”…   I quickly responded, “is that good?”…  He was surprised, with my comment, because he had lost 12 lb…  I said, “what would your wife think the next time you tell her you do not mind her”…   He quickly received the message…

Let me introduce you to Michelle and her comment after her first three weeks were, “I love my new lifestyle”…  Well Michelle’s passion has turn into an amazing change in body fat from 32% to 17% in only 12 weeks…  She also being a fitness instructor exercising 10 or more hours per week learned her new lifestyle was more than a better way, but the only way to reach her goals…

Michelle’s passion has also lead to a change in her life’s work…  The Fat Loss Coach is both proud and happy to announce Michelle becoming a Fat Loss Coach herself…  Yes, the Fat Loss Coach is expanding…  No not his waist line, but opening up a third office at Peak Fitness in Seymour, CT and Michelle will be the Fat Loss Coach…  The Coach and Michelle will be introducing the opening of the new location with a Seminar on Monday 2/10/14 at 7:00 p.m. at Peak Fitness…  This is only the start of The Fat Loss Coach’s plans of expansion in 2014 and into the future…  We would LOVE to see you there…

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