It has been so cold in the Northeastern part of American, when Coach woke up this morning I thought maybe if I start doing some spring cleaning it will usher in more spring like temperatures… As I was reaching for some of my cleaning tools I picked up a bottle of Mr Clean and started to pour the solution into the bucket… As I poured looking at Mr Clean’s picture on the bottle I flashed back to another winter day several years ago…
I was walking down the street with my two dogs Cyrus and Shiloh... It was really cold and my bald head must have been glowing... Then a car drives by full of teenagers and they yell out the window Mr. Clean... At first it bothered me, at least they could have shouted Mr. Lean... Then I thought for a moment and said to myself "I have Cleaned Up" a lot of my clients bad eating habits... Mr Clean and Coach have something in common and we have been at work for a long time; we are both good at cleaning up messes…
Today let’s forget about how cold it is and together lets clean up some bad eating habits… Summer bodies are created in the steps we take in winter… Here are Coach’s proven guidelines for cleaning up our approach for this year’s healthy lifestyle and lean body…
1. Dust Off… Last year’s goals and pack them out of sight and create this year’s goals and keep them shinny and clean and in clear sight each day…
2. Power Wash… Any negative thoughts of the path of your daily routines and blast your mind clean with positive thoughts of believing you can and expecting you will…
3. Take Out Trash… It is time to trash all negative voices from influencing your thoughts and open the windows of your mind to the breath of fresh air of knowing what to do and doing what you know…
4. Extra Elbow Power… Realize there will be challenges ahead which take an extra level of self-discipline and self-control to remain faithful to your healthy new habits… If your circumstances don’t challenge you; how could you expect them to strengthen the changes in you?
Mr Clean and Coach’s Mr Lean principles are more powerful than any dirt which tries to get in the way of reaching your goal… God bless… Coachwww.thefatlosscoach.com