Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cycle Your Way To Amazing Fat Loss


This is not a story about a secret method Tour de France champions use to create an amazing physique; though the cycle used here will create a champion body in you...

This is not even a story about a bicycle, but it will have you spinning your wheels to a body maybe you thought wasn't possible...

The history of the bicycle teaches us a lesson changing what we thought works opens the door to revolutionary change....

If you go back more than a century it was thought to make the bike go faster the solution was to keep increasing the size of the front wheel....  The front wheel kept getting bigger and bigger; until someone discovered we can power the bike by the rear wheel which revolutionized the bike design and its speed and handling. ..

The same has been true with the weight loss industry it has been long thought the secret was to continually feed the body less calories than it used ...  The end result was weight loss, but with loss of muscle, reduction in metabolism and an unfriendly partner with exercise... No matter the name of the diet or make up of proteins, carbohydrates or fat the logic of diets is less than you use...

It all that changed when the Coach invented the GLYCO-CYCLE; a breakthrough in managing hormone and metabolic responses "cycling" fat burning days with recovery days...  The best news is the GLYCO-CYCLE could be personalized to fit anyone, no matter the age or condition of health or fitness...

No better success story than taking a "cycling instructor" of spinning several hours on a two wheel bike and placing him on a 3 day GLYCO-CYCLE now spending over 100 hours per week in a fat burning, muscle friendly mode...  His name is Chris and he has been a spinning instructor for many years...  Like many the Coach meets, Chris was frustrated with the amount of time he spent on the bike, but had a body fat percentage much higher than his recommended ideal....

The Coach is happy to report in only 12 short weeks Chris lost 25.1 lb. of fat and increased his muscle 6.7 lb., and his body fat dropped from 28% to an impressive 16.5% at a body weight of 171 lb.; which is 2.5% body fat under the recommended ideal for a man 54 yr. old…  Chris still spends several hours each week on a spinning bike going nowhere, but his body composition has made the journey to amazing…  God bless… Coachwww.thefatlosscoach

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