Tuesday, February 24, 2015

More Than Weight Loss Your Next Meal Can Heal You

More Than Weight Loss Your Next Meal Can Heal You
Bible scriptures from thirty-five hundred years ago show man divinely inspired to write, "God would bless his food and water and take sickness from among them"... As a nutritionist, I have witnessed thousands of patients be restored to health from disorders ranging from gastric disturbances, intestinal conditions, type II diabetes, hypertension, obesity and more through proper nutrition… By developing a healthy nutritional lifestyle, we can bring balance and harmony back to our human existence and it can begin with the next meal you eat…
I met Carolyn a former college basketball star, who now in her forties was suffering from a severe case of Crohn’s disease… Her condition was so advanced she found herself eating only once per day and a flare up could happen at any time… When we met she said, “Coach I don’t know if you can help me”? Nothing I have tried seems to work… I remember saying, “Carolyn we are not going to treat your Crohn’s we are going to heal it”…
Well 12 weeks have gone by and Coach is blessed to report Carolyn is healed… She now eats four meals every day and flare up’s are a thing of the past… Oh, she also lost 27 lb. of body fat and her body fat percentage dropped from 40% to 27 %... Her energy has been restored and she no longer has to check for the closest bathroom… At her meeting today she said, “My doctor wanted your name and said maybe you can help other Crohn’s patients”… I just smiled because I know with God, everything is possible… God bless… Coachwww.thefatlosscoach.com

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