Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Do You Want To Be Made Well ?

Do You Want To Be Made Well ?

One of Coach’s favorite stories in the bible is the healing pool of Bethesda… The story tells of a pool which an angel would come and stir the water and the first person to get into the pool would be healed… A lame man is said to have laid by the pool for 38 years waiting to be healed… When Jesus comes to the man he asks this question… Do you want to be made well? Those words could echo through the centuries to today…
It should be obvious a man lame for such a long period should want to be made well; but the man answers with why he does not make it into the water… Jesus says to the man, “pick up your mat and walk” and the man obeys and walks away and is made well… The same is true today we can become lame by our circumstances, “lame excuses”; they paralyze us from our hearts desire or want to be made well…
Let my story today stir the waters of your heart and let your desire or want to be made well guide your way this day… It is time to stop waiting for God to do something and realize he has been waiting for you to want to change… God bless… Coachwww.thefatlosscoach.com

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