Saturday, February 28, 2015

Positive Attitude Key To Healthy Fat Loss


Anyone in America who has traveled by air knows going from the east coast to west coast the travel time is longer than west coast traveling east, because of the jet stream… When you are going with the flow of the stream it takes less effort with quicker results and when you go against it more effort and slower results…
The same is true with a positive or negative attitude… When our attitude remains positive about our mission the power of the flow like a magnet draws us to our goal faster and what seems like less resistance and negative thoughts delay our journey and opportunities turn into opposition…
A perfect example is the story of the invention of the light bulb… Edison the inventor is said to have failed on eight hundred experiments before the one he succeeded in the discovery of his magnificent invention… When ask did he get discouraged he answered saying, “I learned eight hundred ways which did not work which pointed me to the one which did”… His positive attitude made every experiment an opportunity drawing him closer to his goal; instead of a negative attitude which saw failure creating roadblocks… The simple truth of the power of a positive attitude works at any age…
I love the story one of my mentors tells of a young boy using the power of a positive attitude… The boy has a bat and a ball and says to himself “I am the world’s greatest batter”… He tosses the ball swings and misses strike one… Once again he says, “I am the world’s greatest batter” tosses the ball swings and misses strike two… On the third attempt he says to himself, “I am the world’s greatest batter” tosses the ball swings and misses strike three… The boy lays down the bat and a big smile came to his face and he says, “I am the world’s greatest pitcher”…
No matter how many times it might look like you have struck out stay positive and believe you are one swing closer to your goal… God bless… Coach

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