Tuesday, February 24, 2015

During one of my counseling sessions recently a tremendous revelation occurred when I asked a client this question… What is the difference between a cowboy and a shepherd? I received a blank stare, because they both seem to perform the same job… They both bring a herd from one location to another… So where is the epiphany here, they both seem to do the same task? It is how they go about their task, the shepherd leads their flock and the cowboy drives their herd…
The shepherd is in front and the sheep’s will is to follow… The cowboy is behind the cattle driving them against their will… This is where the light turned on inside my client… Was her will to succeed losing fat leading her, or her desire to still resist preventing what she desired to accomplish from manifesting?
The same is true in our life journey with God… Do we have a relationship of love and empowered by God’s grace guiding our steps of obedience; or a religious spirit driven by laws which a hardened heart finds hard to obey… Love keeps us faithful to obey what we believe and obedience driven by law places a weight of responsibility, which will eventually led to disobedience…
When I meet a potential new client it is customary for me to say I can teach all the techniques to develop a healthy new lifestyle… When these skills are customized to the client based on body composition, activity level, exercise schedule, food preferences and medical conditions, it will produce dramatic results… They will experience stable fat loss, without the negative physical responses of dieting…
The client’s role will be to learn the new eating behavior and develop a will to be led by their new understanding… The challenge is to keep old behavior from returning… There are two simple words which reflect is our heart willing or resisting and they are want to and have to… So simple in fact, many times when we say these two different words, it seems like they have the same meaning… However want to reflect the heart’s desire to be lead and have to its reluctance and be driven…
You can be at your ideal weight… I have seen it happen thousands of times… The journey will consist of the footsteps of right foods, right amounts at least four times per day… When led by your will to follow what you believe, your will always finds a way… When pushed by rules of have to eventually you will find an excuse…
The question is the journey determined by the shepherd guiding you to your destiny of healthy lifestyle or cowboy driving you into a diet mentality resulting in failure? The shepherd would say, keep your heart pure, mind clear and body willing… God bless… Coachwww.thefatlosscoach.com

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