Tuesday, February 24, 2015


It was ten years ago on a frigid day much like today… In my hurry to make it inside and out of the cold Coach left the lights on in the car… Later that day when I went to start the car the battery had died and my electric key would not open the door… I went inside to ask for help and several police officers who were members came out in the cold and tried to break into the car so it could be jump started… We were out there for the longest time, when an elderly man walk by and ask did you try the key?
We looked at each other as if we were casting for the part of dumb and dumber… We had all become so used to using the electric key the manual key escaped us… The answer to our problem was right in our hand…
I find the same is true when we don’t ask for God’s help… The answer to our problem is right there, but we forget to ask… The bible says you have not for you have asked not… Next time you might be struggling let me ask you, did you try the key? God bless… Coachwww.thefatlosscoach.com

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