Tuesday, February 24, 2015



It was 12 weeks ago and I received a phone call saying “Coach I have tried just about everything to get down to the body fat level I used to have… I have a personal trainer and they told me the missing piece is my nutrition plan… My trainer highly recommended you, what is your secret to success”…

Well the Coach’s “secret” has been proven to work for thousands of clients and keeps working… Here is the Coach’s secret formula…

1. Portion your meals 30% protein, 50% carbohydrate and 20% fat… Based on your percent of body fat, activity level, exercise schedule, food preferences and any health restrictions…
2. Eat quality proteins containing wide range of amino acids, high fiber low glycemic carbohydrates and fats providing essential fatty acids…
3. Schedule 4 or 5 meals based on individual caloric requirements and timed 3-4 hours apart to manage blood sugar levels and pancreatic and metabolic hormone responses…
4. Keep your body from adjusting to approach by cycling fat- burning and recovery days “Coach’s Glyco-Cycle”…
Victoria’s journey started at 33% body fat and her recommended body fat for a female 61 years old was 29%... Coach is happy to report Victoria dropped all the way to 24%, which is the body fat recommended for a female in her thirties… Remember her goal was to have the body fat level she had long ago and Victoria is keeping it “NO Secret” she has it again… God bless… Coach www.thefatlosscoach.com

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