Friday, July 29, 2011

Is Something Missing From Your Weight Loss Plan?

Is Something Missing From Your Weight Loss Plan?

Its hours after completing my last seminar…  Over my career I have spoken over two hundred times, in front of audiences both large and small,  corporations, municipalities, college campuses and hospitals…  It is common during my presentation to ask this question…  What is the only aisle in the grocery store, where the food comes with any instructions?  I remind you, I have asked this question over two hundred times to thousands of listeners, and still to this day, no one has answered correctly…  How could the answer elude us for such a long time? So when I posed the question today, I was not surprised in what I heard…

Let me ask you the reader, what isle am I talking about?  If you answered the pet food isle, you are probably one of my clients…  No one else seems to know it, but more importantly no one seems to care…  There could no better example to explain the sad state of the weight loss industry… 

I come back to my office and one of the commercials from one of the so-called icons in the weight loss business is basting away…  Maybe I should not mention their name, no better yet let me shout their name, “NUTRI-SYSTEMS”, is saying no measuring, no counting, no check-ins…  All the variable which lead to long term success, and their advertising it like its their advantage over everyone else…  There are no one-size fits all approach to solve our countries weight problem…

Let me share with you this story…   I have spent a career teaching, to lose fat, without losing muscle or reducing metabolism, you must control your hormonal response to the amount and quality of the foods you eat…  This is easily done by being fitted to the foods based on your percent of body fat and activity level…  You can even customize it to only the foods you like and those, which make sense to cerate a lifestyle around…  To lose the weight as fat and keep it off, it must become your lifestyle…   So in a counseling session I had several years ago, a potential client said to me, “I like what you have to say, it all make sense scientifically and I like your holistic approach but”…  WE have all heard it, sounds like the answer I need but…  I have heard but so many times, so what was her but?  I could never weigh or measure food…

Now those of you who know me, know I’m not settling for her but, which you guessed it was causing her to have a “big BUTT”…  So I started to redirect her, to why she needed to lose weight in the first place, when what seemed like a miracle happened…  She noticed pictures of my two dogs, Cyrus and Shiloh on my desk…  She asked, “Are those your dogs?”…  They look amazing…   After thanking her, she commented she also had a dog…  I asked, “how old and what breed?  She said, “he is German Shepard and five years old’…  Now here’s where the miracle begins…  I said,  “How much do you feed him?  She replied, “two cups in the morning and two cups in the evening”…  I quickly responded,  “do you ever give him one cup, or feed him once per day?”  She said, “no never, the instructions tell me how much, and how often”…  Then she became real quite and the epiphany took place…  She realized she was willing to do something for her dog, she ignored for herself…  The best part was when I asked her, “What shape was her dog?”…  Her response, change her life, she said, “He is in great shape”…

She went on to reach her ideal weight and portioning her food was no longer a problem…  So what’s missing from your weight loss plan?  Learn to eat your meals in the right portion and the proper amount of times per day…  Maybe at my next seminar, I will no longer have to ask what isle, when all isles you will have instructions for…

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

I have a simple philosophy about life…  God put my eyes in the front of my head, and He pointed my feet forward, because He intends for me to move forward…  The windshield of our cars is large and the rear view mirror small…  Why?  We are meant to go forward, and keep from going back…  There could be no getter example than managing our health and lifestyle…

Last week I wrote an article, “Better to Prepare than to Repair”…  I felt very moved and spiritually lead to do so…  It was a few days later, when a former client called wanting to meet…  He sounded desperate…  His identity is not important, because I meet so many, too many this way…  He had just left his doctors office, and had received bad news…  His total cholesterol was over 300 mg/dl, triglycerides over 500 mg/dl, and his fasting glucose over 300 mg/dl, and was being told he was now diabetic…

It had been since 2008, since I had worked with him, and I asked him to bring in his blood lab results…  I meant his current results, but to my surprise, he brought the one from 2008, the year I had worked with him as well…  He had not had his blood tested since 2008, because after our work together all his levels were in the normal range…  He had reach his weight and body composition goal, and from a blood chemistry point of view, in perfect health…

What happened, what went wrong, how could he leave the narrow path of good health and lean body, to a wide road of overweight body and poor health?  The answer is simple… He stopped preparing and was now in need of repair…  As I commented earlier, this happens far too often… 

When our appointment was over, and I had redirected him back onto the narrow path, a word rose up in my spirit…  It is a very special word for me, and one I hope you the reader have an ear to hear…  Why is it so special to me?  It was the first word, I heard in the ear of my spirit, from the heart of our God…  It would change my life, and has given me great purpose in helping the thousands in need of help…

So what did God say?  These words are not recorded anywhere, for they were written on my heart, and are the spoken word of God…  Those who know what I’m saying know them as Rhema words…  Ready, so what did God say, “Now is a time of preparation, soon you will enter into this land, I have promised…  I am burning up in you, everything not of me…  Do not return to places, I have set you free from…  As I draw you near to Me, the path of righteousness narrows, but do not be afraid for it is I who set you free”…

I still tremble when I think of this experience, and it happened over thirteen years ago…  So what does this mean?  God is saying prepare my people, so I don’t have to repair them…  My people, are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, teach them what to do…  Keep them from going back to their old un-healthy lifestyles…  Build their faith and trust in Me, for I will complete in them, that which I began…

I know this will make many of my clients smile…  For I have gained quite a reputation for taking my work very serious…  Little did you know, who I was really being commissioned by…

Friday, July 15, 2011

Better to Prepare than Repair

Food is Our Medicine - Part Two

Over two decades I have delivered a constant message to my clients.  It is far better to develop a healthy lifestyle, which prepares our bodies and prevent disease, then to repair our bodies after disease.  It makes more sense to eat foods to prevent disease, than to turn to them after disease.  What truly amazes me,, is the healing power of foods.  I have witnessed so many be healed of diseases caused by unhealthy lifestyle.  The healing process, just takes longer, than if it had been prevented with a healthy lifestyle.  There is no food source, which better represents disease prevention than dark colored fruits and vegetables.

Dark colored fruits and vegetables are part of the largest group of phyto-chemicals called flavonoids. They are characterized by dark colored fruits and vegetables and the best sources are, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, bilberries, blackberries, apples, red and black grapes, eggplant, peppers, broccoli and onions.

There are more than 4,000 flavonoids and they are broken into subgroups called anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins, polyphenolic acid, quercetin, ellagic acid and tannins. Studies show that dark colored fruits and vegetables are powerful anti-oxidants, some having fifty times the antioxidant activity of both vitamin C and vitamin E. Studies show that flavonoids in fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of arthritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cancers.

They protect the collagen protein in joints and blood vessels from free radical damage, which reduces edema, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. A recent study reported by Cornell University showed the flavonoid, quercetin found in apples could protect the brain against neuro-degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. This was a follow up to an earlier study at Cornell University by Professor Lee, who found that the photochemical in apples and berries has a stronger antioxidant protective effect than Vitamin C against colon and liver cancer cells. Blueberries have 40% more antioxidant than the next highest strawberries. Neuroscientist, James Joseph from Tufts University, discovered in addition to fighting disease and cancer, blueberries prevented short-term memory loss that accompanies aging.

Its time to prepare, than repair, and the best sources of prevention are right in the produce section of your local store.  Make time for dark colored fruits and vegtables as part of your daily habit, and you won’t need to make time for repair.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Food is Our Medicine - Part One

Over a twenty year career of helping thousands lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle.  The part which has kept me most excited is when the clients body is also healed in the process.  God has equipped our bodies to heal themselves, and strange as it sounds much faster than they get sick.

Plants, like humans, are susceptible to disease and viruses and have developed their own protective substances, called phyto-chemicals.. Mounting research reveals many phyto-chemicals also protect humans from cancers and diseases. The following is a list of foods, which provide protective plant chemicals and the conditions they protect us from, and the research to support its claims.

Whole Grains - The best sources are wheat, rice, barley, oats and rye. Whole grains are the seeds of the plant and consist of an outer shell called the bran, the middle called the endosperm and inner called the germ. Whole grains are excellent sources of folate, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, phosphorus and Vitamin E. Folate helps decrease levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine in the bloodstream are linked to risk of heart disease.

Whole grains contain phytochemicals called phytosterols, phenolic acid and lignans. Studies have shown that whole grains reduce the risk of several cancers and type II diabetes. They lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and they reduce inflammation, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. In a recent study at the University of Utah, Dr. Martha Slattery found that high intakes of whole grains, especially high fiber cereals, reduced the risk of rectal cancer by 31%. A high fiber diet (more than 34 grams daily) reduced rectal cancer by 66%. In a recent study at Tufts University, Dr. Nicola McKeown reported participants who consumed at least three servings daily of whole grains are less likely to develop insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome which are precursors of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, both insoluble and soluble. In a resent study reported by Harvard School of Public Health, Doctor Qi and colleagues found that women with diabetes that consumed more whole grains, bran and cereal fiber had lower blood vessel inflammation that has been linked to heart disease.

The foundation of any healthy lifestyle should be balanced nutrition and whole grains playing a major role.  Whole grains are excellent sources of B vitamins, which provide energy and help convert the foods we eat into energy.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Your Next Meal Can Heal You

Over the last twenty years most of my time and energy as nutritionist, has been teaching thousands of my clients my unique concepts of losing fat, without losing muscle.  Known to my clients as “The Fat Loss Coach”, I have developed a winning formula for losing.  Sound strange turning winning into losing, but thousands of clients are living proof, we can lose the weight, without being tired, hungry or reducing metabolism.
So it should not sound strange when I say, “are next meal can also heal our bodies”.  Bible scriptures from 3,500 years ago show man divinely inspired to write, "God would bless his food and water and take sickness from among them" (Exodus 23:25). As a nutritionist, I have witnessed thousands of patients be restored to health from disorders ranging from gastric disturbances, intestinal conditions, type II diabetes, hypertension, obesity and other diseases. By developing a healthy nutritional lifestyle we can bring a balance and harmony back to our human existence and it can begin with the next meal you eat.

To understand the healing power of your next meal, you must have a basic knowledge of the process foods we eat have on digestion, absorption and elimination. Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth, both by mechanical breaking down of food and chemical digestion through the salivary enzyme amylase. In the stomach, gastric juices consisting of hydrochloric acid and pepsin start to digest proteins, and the partially digested food turns into a paste like substance called chyme. As the chyme is released into the small intestine, digestive bile from the liver, gallbladder and pancreatic enzymes, along with enzymes from the exocrine cells in the mucosa of the small intestine complete the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The digested food is now absorbed by the intestinal wall lining called the villi and enters into the blood stream. The nutrient void food then moves into the large intestine, where there is an absorption of water and electrolytes and the formation, storage and elimination of feces.

I have walked you through the digestive process because maintaining good gastrointestinal and intestinal health depends on proper digestion. The following factors, eating slowly, regular scheduling of meals and balanced macro-nutrition (30% protein, 50% high fiber, low glycemic carbohydrates and 20% essential fatty acid fats), can restore health to the stomach lining and improve the detoxification function of intestines. This will prevent unnecessary entrance of toxins into the blood and maintain good colon health. Each healing meal should also provide essential micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes and important phytochemicals from plant-based fruits, vegetables and whole grains). These photochemicals, though classified as nonessential, are receiving much of the recent scientific research moving us from the mind-set of foods preventing deficiencies, to foods healing a disease and promoting longevity.

We must buy into the big picture, we are what we eat.  This is well worth the work of food selection, portion and timing of meals.  You will be in control of your body composition, and the next meal you eat, will start to heal your body.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer and Meditation for Weight Loss

As a nutritionist, herbalist and healing minister I believe the power to lose weight and be healed in the process is naturally within each of us. I encourage each of my clients why only rely on the natural, when they could have the supernatural. This supernatural power I'm speaking of in not found in religion, but in relationship with God. So how is this relationship developed? Like any relationship, with time and through prayer. Is the purpose for prayer to change God, or to change you? If you believe God is all knowing, all powerful, and all loving, the answer is clear, prayer is to change you. That is the final piece in is this puzzle of effective weight loss, if your overweight you must change.

Once I was praying with a client and the door to my office opened and quickly closed. A few days later I had heard back that someone had said, "His weight loss concepts are so hard, he has to pray in order for them to work." After hearing this I laughed and responded, "How quickly we can believe in a money back guarantee, but miss the supernatural guarantee, that with God all things are possible."

Many believe prayer to be communication with God. A time where the natural world connects with the supernatural. The question becomes, are you having a one way, or two-way conversation? Do you spend most of your prayer time informing an all-knowing God, what He already knows, or opening up your heart to hear His response? This is the mystery of God, are we waiting for God to act, or is He waiting for us to receive?

Western medicine until recently has ignored the importance of spirituality in the healing process. Though scientific studies and medical research still have natural limitation to prove the power of the supernatural, that gap is evaporating. Science is now quick to ask the question, "can faith heal?" As for millions of Americans, scientific verification isn't required. When interviewed Dr. Harold Koenig director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medical Center was quick to point out, "praying for your health is one of the most common alternative treatments people do on their own. About 90 percent of Americans pray at some point in their lives. I think many people are convinced that prayer works. Otherwise, I don't think they would do it." Dr. Koenig said, His own research and recent studies by other universities have convinced him that prayer, much like diet and exercise has a connection with better health."

In a recent government nationwide survey, 36 percent of Americans over the age of 18 years reported to use some type of Alternative medicine. In the survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, questions on 27 alternative therapies, divided into provider-administered or self-administered were asked. The survey reported the 10 most popular alternative therapies and percent of Americans using them were:
Prayer for own health 43%
Natural products (Vitamins, herbs, enzymes) 19%
Deep breathing exercises 12%
Meditation 8%
Chiropractic care 8%
Yoga 5%
Massage 5%
Diet-based therapies 4%

Behavior Modification for Weight Loss

Weight management isn't something you simply try to do, it is a lifestyle you develop as you become a healthier person. New eating habits must develop and mature into a way of life. Numerous studies show the highest success rate of individuals who lose weight and keep it off participates in behavior modification. The question becomes, what type of behavior modification works best?

In a study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine, researchers lead by Rena Wing PhD., tracked 314 participants who had lost at least 10% of their body weight in two years. The participants were broken into three equal groups; one group received one on one counsel, the second on-line counseling, and the third, no counseling, but received a news letter on behavior modification. After 18 months of observation the results were reported. In the first group who had received in person counseling 45% had regained weight of about 5.5lb's. In the second group who had received on-line counseling, 55% had regained weight of about 10 lb's. The third group who had received no counseling, 72% had regained weight of about 11 lb's. The evidence is clear the best behavior modification is one on one counsel.

What components should one look for in a behavior modification program for effective weight loss and maintenance of weight loss? Most behavioral experts suggest one on one interaction. The materials used should challenge the participant's attitude to remain positive and visualize obtaining the desired results, before the physical manifestation of them. You should follow a system that requires both short term and long term goals. The goals should be both actions taken and results achieved. Participants should create an environment that welcomes support from family, friends and co-workers. You should commit to a schedule of check-ins creating accountability, first within the participant, and second to someone they view having authority.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Quest To Reach Ideal Weight

Becoming A Good Loser

It was late in the day and my next patient I would be meeting for the first time. As the woman entered my office upon introduction I was surprised by her response to my question of how she heard about me. She went on to say it was through an article she read in a regional newspaper about a coach who had become well known for getting his clients to become good losers. Once we had taken seats in my office I asked her, “What can I do for you today?” She answered, “Can you help me to lose weight?” My response stunned her, “Is that all you want me to do?” You see too many times a potential client is focused on getting started and not on what the finish will be. She went on to say that dieting had become a second career. She described herself being very good at losing weight, but no matter what diet she tried nothing worked for very long and the weight always came back, usually with a few extra pounds tagging along to make matters worse. She saw herself as weak, lacking in discipline and her self-esteem was in ruins. I admired her determination; here she was ready to try again, still hoping after all those years of failure. She said, “I’ve tried everything; there’s something wrong with me.” I responded, “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’ve been on diets that are wrong. We don’t fail at diets, diets fail us.

Over the last twenty years I have met thousands of people in the same fix. By the time they come to me, a nutritionist in private practice and known to my clients as The Fat Loss Coach, they have been on every diet imaginable. Their experiences have already proven that diets do not work, but they do not understand why. They come to me searching for a new diet, when what is really called for is a new lifestyle. Why do they need a nutritional coach? They have become good at being overweight and the beliefs and behaviors that support it. It takes more than knowing what to do; you must develop behaviors, which keep you doing what you know.

That was the reason I asked if losing weight was all, she wanted me to help her do. You see, losing weight alone is not enough. To do it right, we would need to make sure the weight she lost was fat, without the loss of lean muscle and bring balance to her metabolism. She commented, “I think my metabolism is dead.” After laughing, I responded by saying,” She would have to break away from the conventional wisdom, which I have proven is not very wise, metabolism is more than just burning calories. I explained, I would teach her the difference between anabolic and catabolic metabolism. In simple terms anabolic means the building up or repairing of tissue and catabolic refers to the breaking down of tissue. To reach her desired ideal weight she would need to learn how to balance both the anabolic and catabolic process. I pointed out, that each time she had lost weight by dieting; her body became stuck in the catabolic mode. Unfortunately, that is why all diets seem to work only in the beginning. The problem with her dieting, as she lost weight, was a loss of both fat and muscle. Muscle loss occurred because her metabolism became trapped in the catabolic phase. Her body was shutting down because it was being under fed. She was fighting against thousands of years of hormonal evolution, that when under stress of under-eating the body wants to store fat. I said, “You are fighting an opponent that is not easy to defeat, it’s a lot easier to work with your body’s chemistry than against it.”

Her next response told me she was starting to catch on. She said, “Are you telling me that I am an over-weight under-eater. I smiled and responded, “nine out of ten new clients I meet are just as surprised as you, when I tell them they are under-eaters not over-eaters.” She went on to say, I’m afraid to eat, I spend much of my day in front of a computer and I was worried that a job with a low physical activity meant I shouldn’t eat more than small amounts at a time and not very often”. I said, “foods not your problem, it will become your solution. I will teach you, the secret to managing your weight lies in three changes in eating behavior. To control your hormonal response you must eat the right type of food, in the proper portion, at least four times per day. This will control your blood sugar levels and the insulin, glucagons and cortisol response to what you eat. Like most clients, you are suffering from peeks and valleys in your blood levels. In peeks the pancreas releases too much insulin and the lean tissue or muscles are over-fed and the excess is stored as fat. In the valleys there is too little production of insulin and the lean tissue is now under-fed. This is what caused your desire for snacking during the valleys and your over-eating late in the day. When you eat too little amounts this increases the production of the hormone cortisol due to stress, which causes increased fat storage, combine this with increased insulin levels during peeks in blood sugar and the fat storage is mainly in the abdominal region.

Losing fat without losing muscle begins with not being too aggressive or extreme with your reduction of carbohydrates. You need carbohydrate management, not carbohydrate elimination. Carbohydrates must be controlled in two ways, first is the glycemic index, which refers to how quickly do the carbohydrate turn to blood sugar or glucose. Second is the glycemic load, which refers to how much glucose it turns into. Over the last thirteen years, working with more than 10,000 clients I’ve found by reducing carbohydrates by 20% of daily needs and within 48 hours replenishing the glycogen (glucose and water) in the muscle by eating 100% of daily carbohydrate requirements, allows for fat loss, without muscle loss. In essence you have two fat burning days, then a recovery day. By doing this you’ll have the best of both worlds. You will experience fat loss that averages between 1-2 pounds weekly, while muscles are being well fed. There will now be a balance between the anabolic, rebuild and repair, and catabolic, breaking down and elimination. The proper amounts of calories you eat on your recovery day will keep the dreaded plateau that most dieters experience.

Her final question was not surprising, she said, “this all makes sense, but how will I be able to keep off the fat I lose? I’ve never been able to keep it off.” My answer however took her by surprise. I said, “You don’t lose fat, you shrink it. You do not eliminate fat cells you make them smaller. If you think you lost something, then you don’t have to manage something you no longer have. That is why you have never made it your lifestyle.” Learning what to eat is half the mission getting to your ideal weight and staying there, you must also develop new eating habits that become your eating character. Managing your weight is a lifestyle, it’s someone you become, and not something you try. I will help you form the belief, discipline and passion to manage your new knowledge of eating. I have helped thousands become their ideal weight from the inside out. Working together we can get you to your ideal body composition by transforming your thoughts and disciplining your habits into a lifestyle.

Charles Remington
2 Time Mr. Connecticut

About The Author
Charlie is the author of a nutritional software program that has sold over 100,000 units since 1995. He starred in a nationally broadcast television infomercial that in 1997 was recognized by the Jordan Whitney report as one of the twenty five popular infomerical’s in the U.S.A. Mr. Remington’s expertise and passion has been well demonstrated on several National Television talk shows, as well as regional news broadcasts. He has been the featured guest delivering his message that foods not the problem, it’s the solution over national and regional radio talk shows. He has been recognized in publications, radio and television as an expert in nutrition.

Exercise for Weight Loss

If your 30 pounds or more overweight and have chosen exercise as your solution for losing weight and keeping it off your chances are only 1 percent. That is if you believe a study called the National Weight Control Registry, headed by James Hill PhD., and Rena Wing PhD. The study which consisted of 784 participants who had lost at least 30 pounds and had kept it off, for more than a year were tracked for similar behaviors. James Hill, one of the founders of the study was quoted saying, "We could identify few commonly shared features of how these people lost weight. The only common characteristic was, 89% of registry participants used both diet and exercise, only 10% used diet alone, and 1% used exercise alone." This supports numerous studies which show exercise alone is a poor solution for long term effective weight loss, however combined with proper diet is the only thing that seems to work. It like having the Yin, without the Yang, the two go together to have balance and make it work.

If you try to separate diet from exercise, it can negatively impact your health, even if you lose weight. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis lead by Dennis Villareal found that individuals who lost weight from diet, without exercise were more likely to lose bone mass. This study points out the importance of both diet and exercise for effective weight loss. It was theorized by the researches that the bone loss came from lack of sufficient nutrients to maintain strong bones and lack of physical stimulation to promote bone growth. Villarel was quoted saying, "Calorie restriction is beneficial, but if you don't combine it with exercise you lose bone, This can be extremely harmful, especially as we age, because the bone loss comes in areas the elderly are at highest risk of fracture; like upper leg, the spine and hips."

The evidence is hard to dispute exercise must be combined with balanced nutrition for effective weight loss. The question becomes, what type of exercise and for how long? The simple answer, the right type of exercise is the one you stay with. Most studies would support the most effective is cross training, one that combines resistance training and aerobic training. Surprisingly, it's not because cross-training offers greater weight loss results, than doing aerobic's alone. It's because cross-training offers a better type of weight loss ( without the loss of muscle) and broader range of health benefits, and minimizes more of the health risks, during the weight loss process. Of special interest, the longer into the weight loss process, more time should be allocated to resistance training than aerobic, which prevents or slows down the weight loss plateau. Most experts agree 30-60 minutes of exercise, and 3-5 times per week will get the job done