Sunday, March 29, 2015

It is A PRIVILEGE to have a Healthy LIFESTYLE

Just ONE Word Can Change EVERYTHING

Over a career of thousands and thousands of counseling session sometimes a client’s destiny can change with just one word…  If you’re in need of change let my message today open the door to new perspective and new revelation and you can put it into practice today…  All it will take is turning a four letter word into a three letter word…  No it’s not the four letter word you might be thinking…  Learn to change the word “have” to and turn it into “get” to… This shift can change everything from being a responsibility into a privilege…

We all know there are responsibilities in life, but when we see them as privilege instead of workload it changes everything…  The privilege lifts us up and the workload weighs us down…

It is a privilege to eat right foods, right amounts and at right times…  The reward will lead to long life and good health…  Unfortunately sometimes we do not see the privilege until we lose it…

This week Coach heard the news of a woman who was so excited to “get” to wiggle her toes…  Her name is Amy Van Dyken and we all know her as an Olympic Gold Medal swimmer…  How could someone, so decorated and famous be so excited about just wiggling her toes?  Through an accident Amy lost the world class physical abilities she once had and now faced life as a paraplegic…

Having to train like a world class athlete who appeared to have lost everything will change with the first step of “get” to wiggle her toes…  Champions never give up and never give in…  I know in my heart Amy’s wiggle will be life changing…

When we see life as a privilege it will create the passion and fire to do the most with the body, health and life God has privileged to you…  God bless…  Coach

Fat Loss Coach Teaching New Standard To Evaluate Healthy Weight

TIME for a NEW Standard to Evaluate Healthy Weight

If you been reading my posts you know Coach has introduced a new accurate and easily accessible way to measure body analysis… This moves light years away from going by your weight and BMI to determine where you stand…

Coach was the first one to have his body scanned… As I looked at the report I saw my BMI was 29%... Now if you know the standards of BMI a male with a BMI of 29 is considered obese… There could be no greater example it’s time for a NEW standard… Coach included an example of scan report in this post to give you an idea of the detailed analysis of the Fat Loss Coach body scan and allow you to take control of what you can’t see… Coach’s goal is to get leaner than the photo in my poster… What is your goal? God bless…

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Skinny on Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat

The Skinny on FAT
There are two types of fat one which gains much of our daily attention and one which goes unnoticed… The one we see and hate is called subcutaneous fat and it lies under the skin surface and over the muscle… The one we don’t see is called visceral or sometimes described as toxic fat and it is much more dangerous to our long term health than its subcutaneous cousin… Visceral fat is found mostly in the abdominal region of the body surrounding our intestinal tract and internal organs...
Visceral fat is metabolically active fat… Not the type of metabolic activity we associate with burning calories… The metabolic activity of visceral fat produces inflammatory hormones one called cytokines which cause havoc to our internal organs and lead to metabolic disorders of type II diabetes, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease and certain types of cancers…
Studies have shown visceral fat is not limited to age or even size… The most precise way to gauge visceral fat has been through MRI or CT scan, but these scans are costly and sometimes inaccessible to frequent testing…
Enter the Fat Loss Coach Body Scan, now you can take control of what you can’t see and even monitor your progress of reducing both visceral and subcutaneous fat through change in nutrition and exercise… The Fat Loss Coach Body Scan results has been tested against MRI scans with comparable accuracy…
The question is how much fat both visceral and subcutaneous do you have? Now is the time to take control of what you can and can’t see… Take the first step and book your body scan today…
Scan cost is only $59.00 and is done by appointment only…

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Stop Dieting Shift To Healthy Lifestyle

Big Picture of Healthy Lifestyle

The percentage of Americans following a weight loss program continue to drop over the last decade…The media in 2015 have reported numerous times a larger number of Americans are now excepting a lifestyle of being larger in size… Most of the commentary on relaxed attitude toward size make it sound like Americans are slowly giving up and just accepting getting larger… 

Well this is one American who is standing up and shouting it time to get “REAL UNCOMFIORTABLE” with size…  Why should I take such a stand?  Though dieting numbers are down, there is an ALARMING rise in the numbers of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, gastro-intestinal disturbances, joint problems, and excuse the pun, the list is to LARGE to mention…

I’m the first to say diets don’t work, and have dedicated the last twenty-plus years explaining why…  If you are in need of weight loss, do not give up hope and certainly stop accepting it…  See the big picture, your weight loss approach needs to shift to lifestyle approach…  Food is not the problem, it’s the solution, and if your over-weight you ate your way into it, and have to eat your way out … God bless…

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Win the Battle Losing Weight

It Takes All Your Effort to Win the Battle

When Coach was a young boy growing up if there was trouble anywhere in the world which required the intervention of America there was a saying which went; “send in the Marines”…  The image it left on young Coach was we are sending our best warriors… I honor all our military forces we can never repay them, all gave some, but some gave all…

Several years ago Coach met a former Marine his name is Larry and at first meeting he told me his goal was to win the life long battle with his weight…  Larry was in his seventies and weighed 293 lb. at 41% body fat…  Larry told Coach, “I want to get into the size uniform I wore 54 years ago when I left the Marines”… I remember telling Larry we will have to send “all the men” to win the battle, we will have to “send in the Marines”…

It is Coach’s great honor today to introduce you to this amazing former Marine…  Larry lost a truly amazing 71 lb. and now weighs 221 lb. at 21% body fat at the young age of 79 years old…  It made me cry today when Larry showed up dressed in the Marine outfit he wore 54 years ago…

Larry has medals on his chest to honor his years of service…  Coach received his medal, when Larry whispered in my ear as we stood for the photo; “thank you Coach for helping win the battle”…  God bless…  Coach

Monday, March 9, 2015


Stay In The Yard  to Your Ideal Weight

The message I share today is so simple, but yet so profound and life changing…  The picture of the turtle is worth a thousand words…  He was happy and content and had everything he needed in his yard…  He had a pond, plenty of land to sun bath and a fence, which kept out all his enemies…  Why did turtle leave the yard?  Probably for the same reason you might; you think the pond and grass is greener somewhere else… Once you leave the yard it can be a struggle to get back in…

About a year ago I started working with a twenty-four year old client over 200 lb. and a history of life long battle with weight…  Though she was not very old she described herself as being born over weight…  At the start of our first session together where I retrieve the information to customize my concept, something amazing took place…  When I asked my client for her last name she said Yard…  I responded, how do you spell it?  She replied, Y A R D…   I went to move forward with the interview, but the voice inside me would not let me…  I made several attempts and then told Ms. Yard I needed to stop and become sensitive to the voice…

Well what happened next was special; the words coming out of my mouth were,” if you stay in the “yard” of balanced nutrition of right foods, right amounts and right times your weight problem will go away…  I know what you are thinking…  Coach must be spending too much time in the yard playing with his dogs Shiloh and Cyrus…  Well I knew those were not my words and Ms Yard knew it too…  So simple, but so special if we all stay in the yard of  doing what is right; anyone’s struggle in losing weight and keeping it off will go away…


It is Time to Leave the Land of “YO”

Growing up Coach lived in an old fashioned Italian family and when my old world mom said yes she meant yes and when she said no you knew what she meant… She was a simple woman, but you always knew where you stood with her…
This seems to be a common thread when it comes to being stable in a healthy lifestyle… It takes knowing what to do and say yes to doing it and knowing when to say no and being faithful to your decision to lose fat and keep it off…
If a client who was once stable in right foods, right amounts and at right times starts to struggle I find many times it is because they are now living in what I call the “Land of Yo”… They are now somewhere between yes and no, or better yet maybe becomes the new yes…
If I were to attach a word to the “Land of Yo” it would be frustration… The citizens of “Yo” seem to all be frustrated… The part of them that wants to do right they now only listen to let’s say 80% and the part of them which chooses wrong they only listen to 20%, which causes the frustration neither right or wrong is kept satisfied… The greater disappointment comes to the residents of “Yo”, when they have “NO” results from their efforts and the body fat returns…
It is time to leave the “Land of Yo” and it starts by saying “YES”… Yes I believe I can lose fat and keep it off… Yes it is my desire to create a healthy lifestyle… Yes I will give all my heart to accomplish my goal…
I know Coach’s mom would be looking down today with a smile… God bless…

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Take Control of What You Can’t See

More Than Just Weight Loss

Take Control of What You Can’t See

Over the last two decades nothing has motivated my clients more than RESULTS…  Up until now most of the results were confirmed by a weight scale and body fat skinfold test, and how much better my clients felt both physically and spiritually…  Most of the results in improvement in how they physically felt can now be documented and more importantly tracked…

The Coach’s Body Scan will now put you in control of what you don’t see as well as what you do see…  Be one of the first to have your Body Scan on Coach’s Gold Standard medically graded equipment…  The Fat Loss Coach will continue to provide amazing results which can now be tracked in the following area’s weight, body fat percentage, body protein percentage, body bone percentage, body mineral percentage, basal metabolic, visceral fat level, edema index, skeletal muscle balance and 16 fitness scores… Testing will begin the last week of March don’t miss out…  God bless…