Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Power Of Your Next Meal

The Power Of Your Next Meal

As a nutritionist and former body building champion one of the biggest challenges I face is teaching the balance between exercise and nutrition to maintain quality muscle and body fat composition…  If I stood at the front door of your health club and posed this question, I have the secret to amazing results in exercise and nutrition, but can only teach you one today, which one do you choose?  Unfortunately my decades of experience tell me the majority of those questioned would say exercise…

If you exercise, but do not have the body fat composition, this is where your problem probably lies…  Now understand my life over the last 30 years has been committed to exercise, but the 8-10 hours of exercise weekly can not compare with the 100’s of hours of hormone responses I receive from my nutrition lifestyle…

Today I witness such an amazing example, the story of it must be told…  Over the last several years I would say to one of the fitness trainers at my office named Michelle you need to learn my system…  Michelle looked good, but she could look outstanding…  She would say she was going to make an appointment, but it never happened…  Well one day I said, I will give you my program to prove to you the power behind it…  As you might guess the appointment happened shortly after, and Michelle amazing journey began…

Michelle was teaching 9-11 hours of exercise classes, but before the Fat Loss Coach program described herself as a grazer, with a sweet tooth…  When she started Michelle weighed 136 lb. at 27.7% body fat and hungry all the time along with erratic energy levels…

Today was Michelle’s first check in after 5 weeks of following her customized program…  I usually see a client for check-ins every 3 weeks, but her busy schedule kept it from happening…  The funny part was several people kept approaching me saying have you seen Michelle, she has changed…

I am so happy to report just how amazing the change is in Michelle’s body…  Over the 5 weeks she lost 14.1 lb. of fat and her muscle weight increased an astonishing 8.1 lb., and now has a body fat percentage of 18%…  The change was so amazing we had to check it twice to confirm it…

If you exercise several or more hours per week its time to harness the hundreds of hours of hormone responses to right foods, right amounts, at least every four hours…  When customized to your body and lifestyle the changes will be amazing; just ask Michelle…

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Coach Starts Another FIRE

The Coach Starts Another FIRE

When I met Dan he told me his desire to seek my help was more than losing weight and becoming healthier; he wanted to become a fireman…  I still remember the look on Dan and his wife’s face, when I responded, “I will teach you how to light the fire”… No need to reach for your fire hose or call 911, the fire I am talking about was inside Dan…

The fire I teach clients perfects and not destroys…  We start by igniting the fire or passion in the spirit to redirect their choices based on a series of new beliefs: as their metabolisms start to blaze responding to right foods, right amounts and frequent meals…

Dan like many I meet had allowed the pilot lights of his metabolism to burn much too slow and his heart had grown cold with doubt…  Learning to manage his hormone response to meals and foods custom to fit Dan’s body improved the size and quality of his muscle, as it dramatically targeted his unwanted fat…

The Coach is happy to report Dan lost 60 lb. of fat, while gaining an amazing 18 lb. of muscle, and his body fat percent fell down the ladder from 38% to 18%, which allows him to go up the ladder should he need to…  Dan will be in the Coach’s prayers should he ever become the fireman, but this is one fire the Coach hopes NEVER goes out…

Imitation Is The Best Teacher To Lose Weight

Imitation Is The Best Teacher…

When I received the photo I posted, it really spoke to my spirit a strong message…  The story behind the photo is the pit bull when it was a 12-week puppy was in owner’s living room and television was on; it was a show with dogs on it…  It grabbed the dog’s attention and ever since has been watching television waiting for the show to come on… Well in the picture the owner is visiting a friend who has a 12-week puppy and the television is on, so of coarse the adult dog is watching TV, but what is amazing so is the puppy…  Why?  Because imitation is the best teacher…  A week earlier I had posted a picture on facebook, and what is the little boy doing?  Of coarse the boy is imitating the Coach…

The importance of imitation is to direct its teaching to a healthy behavior, instead of an unhealthy one…  Over the years of coaching thousands of clients to develop healthy new eating habits, I strongly recommend they have a role model…  One of my favorite saying is, “You will never soar with the eagles if you spend your time hanging out with the turkey’s…  Identify a role model who has the healthy lifestyle you would like to acquire, and let their success help birth your success…  A role model will help point you in the right direction and show by example how you can reach your potential…

I remember doing a national television broadcast talk show, with four best selling authors of weight loss concepts…  Someone from the audience comments to the host, there seems to be only one person from your expert panel, which looks like his concept works…  The show was the Phil Donahue show and it aired live 17 years ago…  Well its seventeen years later and The Fat Loss Coach is still going strong…


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Visit Today From Superman

Visit Today From Superman...

Over the years The Fat Loss Coach has had so many special visitors and each one brought such a powerful message... Today was really special I had a visit from Superman his name is Sergio he is five years ol...d but what a messenger... He came with his uncle Sal who has lost 80 lb. already, which is two of Sergio who weighed in at a mighty 49 lb.

During our meeting I asked Sergio what was the only thing which can harm Superman, he thought real hard and with the help of his Mom Nancy, because Sergio is only five, he says Kryptonite...

So what is our Kryptonite when it comes to losing weight? The three are missing meals, wrong portion and poor quality... Well Sergio's uncle Sal has mastered those and He is in the eyes of little Sergio is Superman...

God knows us better than we know ourselves... He always sends an angel with a special message, today He sent Sergio... At five years old Sergio beliefs are so powerful he thinks he can fly, lets not talk him out of it...

The BEST Apples On Top Of The Tree

The BEST Apples Are On Top Of The Tree

”The best apples are on top of the tree… Many settle for the fallen ones, because it is safe and takes little effort… Some choose the ones within their reach, because they can do it in their own abi...lity… Only a few seek the apples on top, where faith and trust in God makes it to the top”…

I have been so blessed to see so many lives changed from the inside out... We can all see the physical transformation, but the metamorfic change in their hearts is amazing... No matter how many times I witness it, the changes still blow me away...

Denise lost an impressive 40 lb. of fat, while adding 6 lb. of muscle and she made it to the TOP of the tree... The best part is the change in her heart... How do I know? She has kept it off for more than two years...

Some are fooled thinking they have changed, but it is like glueing the wings of a butterfly on a caterpilliar, at some point they will fall off... True change is when the caterpillar becomes the butterfly... Denise is now the butterfly...



Another Starfish Saved

Two decades ago when I started my journey helping clients, I thought the mission was to help them to lose weight…  My approach was unique, because it was customized to the client and targeted only the unwanted fat and managed their hormonal responses…  The results were amazing, but inside I knew there was so much more God wanted to see happen…  God wanted to see people healed…

Each day I go to work, blessed to believe I am an instrument in the Mighty Hand of God…  At times to the world it might look like my efforts are not making much of a difference…  But my best friend the Lord is always there to encourage me, even though it’s happening one person at time, it does make all the difference to Him…

Then again today I receive this amazing note from one of my clients, which I will share…  My clients name is David, and these are his words:

I had a physical recently and since your program, my A1C is down to 6.6 from 7.8 and I am off blood pressure meds. I am sure you know the deal with A1C.. My Endocrinologist was amazed that it's so low and that I have been able to get off the BP meds. Losing the weight and eating this way has changed my life. I owe you and Danielle my life.. I basically have the body now of a non diabetic, not to mention the money I am saving on meds and insulin”…

As I was sharing, the story of the little girl and the starfish came to mind…  If you don’t know the story this is how it goes…

A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”
The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,  “Well, I made a difference to that one!”
I must say, I can relate to the little girl, because I know a BIG GOD…  In our country there has been a great storm and many have been washed up on the beach of obesity…  No matter how large the number, I know they can all be saved…  Even if it happens one at a time I know it makes a difference, just ask David…