Friday, July 18, 2014


It was several years ago during a special time in prayer the Lord spoke these words to me… “I have given onto you the ability to turn coal into diamonds…  As this is used for My Kingdom, it will increase…  I have placed within your heart the desire to mend the wing of that which has fallen…  I Am removing the veil of your understanding…  For you will see the hidden treasure in the lost”…

I have seen God be faithful to those words thousands of times…  When I first met Sal he was lost on the road of poor eating habits and destined to a life of being over-weight and in poor health, but I could see the treasure inside him…  Sal said at our first meeting I need you to help me lose weight…  I looked at Sal and responded, “I am going to save your life”…  Our journey together has been amazing, and now ALL can see the treasure, which was once hidden… Sal has lost an incredible 135 lb. and has totally transformed his life spirit, mind and body and Coach is so proud of him…  Its time we ALL look in the mirror and see the treasure God sees we He looks upon us… Coach

Your Success Is In God’s Hands

Your Success Is In God’s Hands

Over the years I have always smiled when asked to you offer a money back guarantee…  How quickly we would settle for a money back guarantee, when we could have a guarantee much more powerful and one that would last…  God promises in His word, “I will complete in you that which I began”…  Here is another example of the proof of that promise in my clients Kristy’s own words…

I can clearly remember the day that Dr. J referred me to you… I was unhappy with my body and I felt like I was at a dead end… I told Dr J "I already know how to eat healthy, but the scale will not budge a single pound, and I work my butt off at my boot camp classes 5 days a week and run 20+ miles a week”…

I have had trainers in the past write me meal plans, and the recommendation was always "high protein, low carb, and then I met you and that changed everything!!!

You have taught me to eat the right foods at the right times… I eat MORE carbs than before and spend LESS time at the gym… I started at 137lbs with 33% body fat... I am now 120lbs with 19.5% body fat.... I could not have done this without you and God!!!

My new found spiritual journey with God began this past December at that time I learned that, sometimes God allows us to hit rock bottom only to discover that He is the Rock! The moment I went onto your website and started reading your own personal journey with God, I knew that it was not a coincidence that Dr. J referred me to you, but that it was all in God's plan for our introduction....

You have changed my life through the hands of God.... My favorite session with you was when you prayed with me and said that you could see me as being on His "Potter's Wheel" with God's hands wrapped around me shaping my body, my mind, and my spirit to His liking.. I think about that beautiful image ALL THE TIME…  A few days after that session, I came across daily devotion, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Chris Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Eph 2:10.

Thank you Coach and Thank you God…

I am so privileged to see God at work in the lives of so many…  Where ever you are in your journey see yourself on the Potters Wheel in the hands of the Master God and watch God work the miraculous in you…  Coach



This morning at the Fat Loss Coach office two clients had amazing results and once again the Coach proves the standard wisdom of weight loss is so miss guided and outright wrong…  The first client Lori lost 14 lb. in weight in 3 weeks and a reduction in body fat of 18 lb., which means her muscle weight increased by 4 lb…  The second client Bill lost 17 lb. of weight in 3 weeks and a reduction in body fat of 22 lb., which means his muscle weight increased by 5 lb…  Those these results sound hard to believe, in fact those were Lori’s very words, “this is unbelievable”, they happen quite frequently…

Why is it so hard to believe these results?  The standard wisdom of iconic establishments like the Mayo Clinic says it’s impossible…  The following information on weight loss comes right from the Mayo Clinic’s website…

“Because 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you take in to lose 1 pound. So if you cut 500 calories from your typical diet each day, you'd lose about 1 pound a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calories). It isn't quite this simple, however, and you usually lose a combination of fat, lean tissue and water. Also, because of changes that occur in the body as a result of weight loss, you may need to decrease calories further to continue weight loss”.

Using this miss-guided theory it would have taken Lori 18 weeks and Bill 22 weeks to accomplish what each did in 3 weeks following the Fat Loss Coach principles…  Once again the Coach proves the establishment wrong…  It’s time to close the door on very old theories of weight loss and open the door to a revelation understanding it is possible to get to your ideal weight and body composition, without the loss of muscle…  The Coach has proven it thousands of times, let the next person he proves it with be with you…  Coach 


We Don't Fight for Victory but From VICTORY

The Battle Is Won

My favorite task is to look into a new clients eyes after I have taught them their new healthy nutrition lifestyle and say, "the victory to their ideal body now lives inside ...them"... The promise of my Glyco-Cycle concept is to target the fat, but be friendly to the muscle...

The challenge during the metamorphic journey is to keep my clients from going by what they see instead of what they believe... I ask my clients not to weigh themselves, because the scale will tell them where they are and I want them to see who they are... I want them to see through the eyes of their belief and believe the victory is already won... My clients become not good, but great at managing their weight and health... Its common for me to say they are at the FINISH at the start...

This morning the Lord gave me these words,"we do not fight for victory but from VICTORY... Gods greatest promise is to COMPLETE in us that which He began...

I am so happy to see this promise at work in the life of Michele... In 12 weeks she lost 31 ib. Of fat while gaining 5 lb. Of muscle... Several times along the way Michele would express what the scale said and I was always quick to redirect her thoughts she already had the finish living inside her today... Michele is amazing proof we will receive whatever we BELIEVE... Im so blessed to be a part of her VICTORIOUS journey... Coach


This morning I was teaching my nutrition lifestyle to a new 17-year old client…  Her aunt who is one of the Coach’s All-Stars brought her in…  As I was explaining her customized menu’s God gave me a vision I was planting a new tree in a healthy garden…  God showed me the tree had no roots yet so it would need to be watered daily with all her heart, will and ability…  Once deep rooted nothing from her circumstances could hurt the tree, because it drew water from deep within her spirit…  As I explained my vision to my new client God reminded me of a word He once spoke to me, and I am now a messenger of…

God said, “I have made you to be a tree, rooted in My Kingdom…   Though I will allow you to face seasons, which will cause you to bend…  I will not let you break…  For seasons will come and go, but the tree will remain…  For your life comes not from what is seen, but what is unseen”…

Whatever challenge you might face, God will allow you to bend, but as you seek His help and His will, The Lord will not let you break…  I have been so blessed to plant so many healthy trees…  Whatever you face, believe you can, expect you will, with all your ability and watch God bless and protect your tree…  Coach

LOVE Is The KEY To Your Success

LOVE Is The KEY To Your Success

Last week the Coach was contacted by a writer from a magazine looking for one healthy tip she could use in her article on healthy lifestyle…  My response, “well if I can give you only one this is it love what you do”…  There was silence on the phone for a minute, because I surprised her and her response confirmed it…  She said, “I thought you were going to give me some breaking news on nutrition”…

Well for more than two decades I have been teaching breakthrough, cutting edge knowledge on managing hormone and metabolic responses through nutrition to lose fat improve muscle and develop a healthy lifestyle…  The key to success is more than having knowledge, but becoming what you know and this is impossible without loving what you do…

It is common for someone who is struggling making the lifestyle change to make this statement, “I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it all the time”…  I never hear this from someone who loves his or her new healthy lifestyle…  Why is it so important to love what you do?  The answer will free you from the bondage of poor behavior…

Love will protect what you do, trust what you do, endure what you do, pursue what you do, but most of all keep you from failing at what you do…  Love is so powerful it never fails us, we fail when we attach love to the wrong behavior…  The sobering truth of life is there is a right and wrong way to living in our hormone and metabolic design…  You either learn to live and enjoy the benefits of right, or suffer the consequences of wrong…

I so happy to report the power of love in guiding Debbye to her new healthy lifestyle and amazing change to her body and health…  Love is such a guiding force in Debbye’s life; she is named for it…  Her name is Debbye Love and love is empowering metamorphic change…  Debbye has lost 30 lb. of fat in only 12 weeks, while gaining 5 lb. of muscle…  Her new lifestyle has also healed her of several metabolic disorders she had been medicated for over many years…  I have been a witness thousands of times how God uses love to heal our hearts as well as our bodies…  Learn to live within your hormone and metabolic design and guided by love you will never fail, just ask Debbye…  Coach



There is no bigger thrill the Coach receives then helping my clients reverse the hands of time and helping them into bodies they had many years ago, and sometimes never had at all…  I receive strange looks of unbelief during first interviews when I explain glycation’s effect on aging and how I will teach them to become biologically younger…  Eating right foods in right amounts at right times manage blood sugar and hormone and metabolic responses and slow down glycation in our bodies…  We start to biologically age slower and in many cases reverse aging…

One special morning in prayer the Lord spoke these words to me…  The Lord said, in this world you can not out run time…  But you are not from this world; for in My Kingdom, time holds no judgment against you…  God was saying to me your spirit does not grow old and He has blessed me with the knowledge to teach others this principle…  We our spirit’s, which have human experiences and not the other way around…  I have also been blessed with the wisdom to slow aging and its effect on metabolic disorders, which come with aging…

I am so happy to report the proof of this in the life of Leslie…  When I met Leslie at 192 lb. and at 49% body fat and explained she was destined to be 135 lb. at 29 % body fat; she thought it was impossible at her age of 65 yrs. old…  The fire inside the Coach ignites when I hear those words impossible; because I have been a witness with God all things are possible if we combine wisdom with faith in Him…  In just 12 short weeks Leslie has lost 34 lb. of fat and increased 5 lb. of muscle…  The best part is she more than believes her final result will happen; she expects it will…  In 12 short weeks, decades of poor behavior have been erased…

Its time to forget all the magic of quick fix solutions and grab hold of the MAJESTIC and combine knowledge with faith…  May God stretch forth His Majestic right hand and may time no longer judge you…  God bless…  Coach