Friday, December 27, 2013

You Are A Bestseller


Last week I was the featured guest on the radio show “Life’s Dash” with Denise Matti…  After the show the radio host contacted me and said she was so inspired by my message she invited me to be on her show again in January…  She commented many of my concepts sounded unique to her and she wondered why I do not have a New York Times best selling book…

She was surprised at my response; I told her in Connecticut alone I have 15,000 best sellers…  Each book I write is written to the person receiving it, and I believe all of them are worthy of a bestseller…

Let me introduce you to today’s bestseller; his name is Gil and his story is truly remarkable…  Gil at one point in his life weighed 425 lb. and had battle his weight most of his adult life…  Well I’m happy to report Gil has lost 185 lb. and now weighs 240 lb….  Gil’s story is so special, because he has been seeing me every 3 weeks for the last 17 years…  Gil is 70 years old and for the past 16 years he has kept the weight off…  Everyone’s story is worthy of being a bestseller, just ask Gil…

Dare To Believe

Dare To Believe

Yesterday I posted a story about my leg workout… Well in the same post someone accuses it as being a fraud, but more hurtful was God has nothing to do with it… Those of you who know the Coach knows yesterdays training was... not a publicity stunt, in fact there was nothing special it was the Coach’s typical leg training workout; and it has been going on for many years and thousands have witnessed it…

What most do not know is how God has everything to do with it and the miracle behind it… Another fact most of you do not know is the Coach has a damaged left leg… I have written about it in “Miracle At The Crossroads”… My point is to be messenger EVERYTHING is possible if you put your trust in God and believe…

What looks impossible to you? Maybe it has looked that way for quite some time… Sometimes what looks to you, as the worst time is really the best time for God to work His miracle in you…

What Is Your Percent Of Body Fat?

What Is Your Percent Of Body Fat?

Having interviewed thousands of clients one of the determining factors in how I will go about helping them is their weight and body fat percentage…  Very few clients are surprised when finding out their weight, most know before stepping on the scale within a few pounds…  However when it comes to their percent of fat it is like America’s best kept secret… 

I believe until this becomes the standards for measuring success the weight loss industry will continue to fall short at solving America’s battle with obesity and weight related health conditions…

The Fat Loss Coach recommendations for body fat percentages for females and males are:

Females:  Ages 20-29 / 17%-22%, Ages 29-39 / 22%-26%, Ages 39-50 / 26% -29%

Ages 50-Plus 29%-33%

Males:   Ages 20-29 / 7%-15%, Ages 29-39 / 15%-18%, Ages 39-50 / 18%-20%

Ages 50-Plus 21%-23%

Today I want to share the good news of a client who has used my concept for 12 years…  His name is Mark and his body fat percentage is an amazing 11% body fat…  This is the body fat percentage of someone 30 years younger than Mark…

As we were taking pictures someone watching asked how old are those guys?  Mark and the Coach laughed, because it is our percentage of body fat and not our age which determine how we look or feel…  How about you, what is your percentage of body fat?

Just What The Doctor Ordered

Just What The Doctor Ordered

Over the years how many times have you heard the phase, “just what the doctor ordered”?  If you’re like me more than you might care to remember…  To me the phase implies professional seal of approval, and it should our doctor’s are highly trained and warrant out trust…

Why then would over 100 physicians seek out the help of the Fat Loss Coach when it comes to the battle of losing fat, without losing muscle and improving hormone and metabolic response?  One doctor’s comment to me best describes the reason…  He said, “I received more training on treating malaria than obesity”…  Over a lengthy career he had not one case of malaria, while 60% of his patients were over-weight…

Today let me introduce you to a physician named Deborah who just completed the 12 Week Fat Loss challenge and her success was just “what the Fat Loss Coach ordered”…   Deborah lost 24% of her fat going from 32% to 24.6%, which is 1.4% lower than ideal for a woman her age, while increasing 2 lb. of muscle…

When I meet a new client one of their questions is, what results should I expect by following your customized concept?  The promised result is to target the un-wanted fat, while protecting over their lean muscle tissue…  A high percentage of my clients increase in muscle while dramatically reducing the fat…  Deborah is a great example even at a body weight of only 120 lb…

Isn’t time you receive “just what The Fat Loss Coach order for results…  The change will impress your physician, just ask Doctor Deborah…

Time To Get Serious About Body Fat Results

Time To Get Serious About Body Fat RESULTS
It was about 18 weeks ago and I received a phone call from Barbara that went like this; “Coach I have a bad back, a torn knee and I am at least 40 lb. over-weight can you help me”?  My response, “Sounds like you’re in a great place to be helped”…  Many times in fact too many times when our circumstances look bad we do not see we are in the right place at the right time for change… 

I explained to Barbara her injuries put her in a place to no longer rely on several hours of exercise correcting the hundreds of hours her body hormonally responded to poor eating habits…  The good news I brought to her bad situation was by eating right foods, right amounts and properly timed Barbara’s hormones and metabolism would now go to work for her, instead of against her…

Well I am happy to report Barbara has lost 37 lb. of fat, while increasing 6 lb. of muscle with very limited exercise of only 2 hours per week…  She still has a bad back and is scheduled for surgery, but her serious change in body fat is amazing…  Is it time for you to get serious about losing your body fat?  Learn to activate the fat burning hormones and let your metabolism work for you, your results will be amazing too just ask Barbara…

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Best Exercise Machine


Over the years I believe one of the major roles of The Fat Loss Coach has been to teach my clients the role exercise plays in reaching their ideal body composition…  When I create a program I customize the nutrition meal plan based on body fat percentage, activity level, exercise schedule, food preferences and any medical condition, which might exist…  Most of the time new clients have too much emphasis placed on exercise and not enough on hormone responses to foods habits…  They are quickly taught hours of exercise can not compare with over 100 hours of hormone responses to blood sugar based on quality, amount and timing of foods consumed…  In the simplest of terms, “you can not outrun a bad diet”…

Once the program has been created my primary role then becomes coaching this new knowledge into a spirit, mind and body lifestyle…  The meal plan goes from something my client is physically doing into someone they are becoming…  Many of my coaching sessions are spiritually influenced, sometimes the message is so simple, but always profound…

One night a few month’s ago in prayer the Lord said to me, “Those with a humble spirit will receive the maximum of my Grace”…  Most times there will be some type of confirmation in what I just heard…  The next morning one of my friends who posts regularly about dog rescue posts his story of the day…  Being a dog lover I read most of the stories, and this days was quite special…  It was the story of an abandoned dog in Texas, he is from a town named Humble and the dog’s name is Max…  Could the confirmation be any more special the dog is a Sheppard…

So what does this have to do with weight loss and exercise, for one man named Kevin everything… Kevin is a client who I have seen for a long time, but still has not reached his goal…  I never give up on a client, because God has never given up on me, no matter how many mistakes I have made…  Kevin has struggled with having the nutrition and exercise in place at the same time…  Unlike most clients he struggles with the commitment to exercise…  He is my late appointment of the same day mentioned above when Kevin says, “Coach check out my new exercise machine I finally took your advice”…  As Kevin reaches for his phone to show me, I start to image is it a treadmill, bowflex, I had forgot what advice I had given him…  When He shows me the picture it is a German Sheppard and I almost fell on the floor…

I tell Kevin what I had heard and the confirmation of the story of Max from Humble Texas...  Kevin is not all that spiritual, but he left totally inspired his new dog he named Charger was going to become the exercise partner he so needed…

Well I’m happy to report Kevin has lost 25 lb now in months compared to the many years we have worked today…  Whatever you’re need is come to God with a humble spirit asking for His help and receive the Maximum of His Grace, just ask Kevin…

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Close Your Eyes And See

Close Your Eyes And See

Earlier this morning someone sent me a card with the message “I’m learning to trust the journey even when I don’t understand it”…  This message came on the wings of an angel and like a guided arrow it was headed straight for my heart…  Well I closed my eyes and asked the Lord what do you want me to see?  Two hours latter the most amazing thing happens as I am driving to visit my accountant…  It’s about a forty-minute drive to my destination when the Spirit of God took over and these words came forth from my spirit…

“Jesus you are my Savior my bright and shinning star...  No matter where I travel Lord your never very far…  You always go before me Lord to guide me on my way…  Like the Sheppard that you are you catch me when I stray…  On days when I feel lonely Lord like a friend you’re by my side…  Abba when I disobey you tell me not to hide…  You’re always quick to comfort on days when I weep…  Lord your eyes are always on me even when I sleep…  When I bow down before you my trials fade away…  Boldly when I speak your name the wind and waves obey…  One day I’ll sit beside you Lord, but till that day arrives…  I have given you my heart my God and there you will reside”…

No matter who you are or where you are as you speak what was spoken through me today watch how your vision of your journey will begin to change…  Learn to close your eyes so you can begin to see…

God bless,

Thursday, November 14, 2013

You Deserve A Break Today

You Deserve A Break Today

It was 12 weeks ago and I was meeting Sandy for the first time…  During our initial consultation I could not get this thought out of my mind as she told me she owed a chain of Mc Donald’s restaurants…  When she said, “Coach I need your help to lose weight”, I smiled and responded, “You Deserve A Break Today”…  After we both got off the floor from laughing I said, “ I’m serious you need a break from your past attempts at losing weight”…

If you learn to live within your hormone design, instead of your hormones working against you we will solve your weight problem finally…  I will introduce foods back into your lifestyle you thought you could never have again…  Once I fit you to my concept every meal will manage your blood sugar and hormone response, which will feed your muscle and reduce the unwanted fat… The meals on the Fat Loss Coach program will feed you foods you like, and foods, which will ignite your metabolism… 

Well today was Sandy’s 12-week check in and she did more than beat the 12-week Fat Loss Challenge, she destroyed it…  Sandy lost 22 lb. of fat, which is quite a feat for a 70 year old now weighing 150 lb…  Sandy told me part of the challenge time she spent on vacation in Mexico, proving her new approach to managing weight had become a lifestyle instead of a diet…

Is it time you “Deserve A Break Today” from going on a diet?  You will be surprised what you could be eating losing 2 or more pounds of fat weekly; just ask Sandy…

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Raise The Dead

Raise The Dead

Anyone who has visited my office will recognize this statue…  It was given to me as a gift more than 10 years ago, but the real gift behind it visited me today…  Over the years so many times I have looked at the statue for some inspiration right before my training session…  The exercise it portrays is called the “dead lift”, and the large volume of weight signifies an amount not humanly possible…

Well today during my work out the Lord says to me “dead lift”…  I stopped and pondered and replied, “I not doing dead lifts”…  Then came the revelation and in my spirit He showed me the statue: if God can raise the dead, He can lift you out of the impossible situation which looks dead to you and make it possible…

What have you been looking at which looks impossible to you…  Maybe it’s been right in front of you for a long time…  The bible promises with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible…

God I lift everyone who reads this message and I ask Father take what looks impossible and show how awesome a loving God you are and make it possible…

Monday, November 11, 2013

Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge Is Power

I believe when I help a client the process is education and motivation…  Teach them the biological responses to their eating habits and inspire them to create a lifestyle guided by their new knowledge…

Today is really special, because one of my students is a professor and she teaches biology at one of Connecticut promenade medical schools…  I remember when I met her several weeks ago after hearing the logic behind my nutrition concept she commented, “you need to come to our University and teach your system to our future physicians…

Well today was her first 3-week check in and her results are worthy of reporting…  Nancy lost 12.9 lb. of fat and body fat dropping from 42% to 36% in her first 21 days…  This is remarkable for someone starting out weighing only 150 lb….  What gained my attention the most though was her saying, “this is so special I do not feel worthy of it…  Nothing could make me feel better than to look her in the eyes and give her a high five saying, “yes you are worthy”…

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Winning Is A Great Deodorant

Winning Is A Great Deodorant

All who know me are aware of my passion for sports…  It does not matter what the sport, if it has competition it would have my interest…  I approach my profession, as a nutritionist in a sport’s minded way as a coach…  In fact I gave the symbolic character behind my unique nutrition concept the title The Fat Loss Coach…

In simple terms I believe the main function of a coach is to teach the rules of the game and inspire his participant to become a good player staying within the guidelines of the rules…  So what are the rules to the complex biological game of losing weight as fat and keeping it off? 

First to develop an understanding each time we eat, there are several hormone responses influenced by our pancreatic reaction to blood sugar… Second to create eating habits of right foods, right portions and right schedule of meals to keep our blood sugar in its proper zone… The main challenge to the game is the winning game plan is unique to each individual…

The Fat Loss Coach offices being in Connecticut and the reputation of a coach who had become known for his participants ability to win at losing caught the attention of many of the employee’s at the mega sport’s media company ESPN… I have had the opportunity to work with several on camera and dozens of executives and key personal from the giant corporation…

Today success story is from one of ESPN’s brightous stars, in fact his role is helping the camera talents we all love to keep performing with the highest professional standards…  Gerry’s creative wit came up with the phase “Winning Is A Great Deodorant” to describe the Fat Loss Coach “Become A Winner At Losing” program…

Gerry’s accomplishments are remarkable and he has maintained his results over four years starting in September of 2009…  Gerry lost 25 lb of fat, while increasing 5 lb of muscle, and body fat percentage dropping from 24% to 12%…  This is now the body fat percentage of a man 15 years younger…

I know ESPN has covered just about every organized sports event in every part of the world…  The one event I have never seen them cover is “The Race Against Time”…  They will not have to send their coverage crews very far; they just need to knock on Gerry’s door…  Congratulations my friend…


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Food Is Our Medicine

Food Is Our Medicine

Let me pose this question, if there was a drug if you took it in the wrong dose and over time caused the following conditions: obesity, hypertension, intestinal disturbances, diabetes, heart conditions and cancers, along with a long list of health conditions; would it require a prescription?

I am amazed at the response when I meet someone and ask this question…  How many calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats does your body require each day?  Ask yourself the same question…  If the answer escapes you, the conditions of not knowing will not…

One of my favorite bible verses promises God will bless our food and water and take sickness from us…  I have always believe it is far better to prepare than to repair…  So a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition makes our food medicine and prevent or delay drugs becoming our medicine…

I teach all my clients how to manage the hundreds of hours of hormone responses each week by right foods, right amounts and at least four hours apart…  It still amazes me how quickly our bodies respond when our nutrition is prescribed in the right dose…

Today’s success story is such a wonderful example of the power of our next meal…  Stephanie has been following my concept of only 3 weeks…  She has lost 12 lb. of fat and gained 2.9 lb. of muscle and her body fat composition dramatically went from 32% to 26%…  This is an incredible change in such a short period of time… If you ask her what dosage her food requirements are, she will know…

The story gets even better; Stephanie is a nurse looking after the sick… We are all just four hours away from living within our hormone design…


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Power Of Your Next Meal

The Power Of Your Next Meal

As a nutritionist and former body building champion one of the biggest challenges I face is teaching the balance between exercise and nutrition to maintain quality muscle and body fat composition…  If I stood at the front door of your health club and posed this question, I have the secret to amazing results in exercise and nutrition, but can only teach you one today, which one do you choose?  Unfortunately my decades of experience tell me the majority of those questioned would say exercise…

If you exercise, but do not have the body fat composition, this is where your problem probably lies…  Now understand my life over the last 30 years has been committed to exercise, but the 8-10 hours of exercise weekly can not compare with the 100’s of hours of hormone responses I receive from my nutrition lifestyle…

Today I witness such an amazing example, the story of it must be told…  Over the last several years I would say to one of the fitness trainers at my office named Michelle you need to learn my system…  Michelle looked good, but she could look outstanding…  She would say she was going to make an appointment, but it never happened…  Well one day I said, I will give you my program to prove to you the power behind it…  As you might guess the appointment happened shortly after, and Michelle amazing journey began…

Michelle was teaching 9-11 hours of exercise classes, but before the Fat Loss Coach program described herself as a grazer, with a sweet tooth…  When she started Michelle weighed 136 lb. at 27.7% body fat and hungry all the time along with erratic energy levels…

Today was Michelle’s first check in after 5 weeks of following her customized program…  I usually see a client for check-ins every 3 weeks, but her busy schedule kept it from happening…  The funny part was several people kept approaching me saying have you seen Michelle, she has changed…

I am so happy to report just how amazing the change is in Michelle’s body…  Over the 5 weeks she lost 14.1 lb. of fat and her muscle weight increased an astonishing 8.1 lb., and now has a body fat percentage of 18%…  The change was so amazing we had to check it twice to confirm it…

If you exercise several or more hours per week its time to harness the hundreds of hours of hormone responses to right foods, right amounts, at least every four hours…  When customized to your body and lifestyle the changes will be amazing; just ask Michelle…

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Coach Starts Another FIRE

The Coach Starts Another FIRE

When I met Dan he told me his desire to seek my help was more than losing weight and becoming healthier; he wanted to become a fireman…  I still remember the look on Dan and his wife’s face, when I responded, “I will teach you how to light the fire”… No need to reach for your fire hose or call 911, the fire I am talking about was inside Dan…

The fire I teach clients perfects and not destroys…  We start by igniting the fire or passion in the spirit to redirect their choices based on a series of new beliefs: as their metabolisms start to blaze responding to right foods, right amounts and frequent meals…

Dan like many I meet had allowed the pilot lights of his metabolism to burn much too slow and his heart had grown cold with doubt…  Learning to manage his hormone response to meals and foods custom to fit Dan’s body improved the size and quality of his muscle, as it dramatically targeted his unwanted fat…

The Coach is happy to report Dan lost 60 lb. of fat, while gaining an amazing 18 lb. of muscle, and his body fat percent fell down the ladder from 38% to 18%, which allows him to go up the ladder should he need to…  Dan will be in the Coach’s prayers should he ever become the fireman, but this is one fire the Coach hopes NEVER goes out…

Imitation Is The Best Teacher To Lose Weight

Imitation Is The Best Teacher…

When I received the photo I posted, it really spoke to my spirit a strong message…  The story behind the photo is the pit bull when it was a 12-week puppy was in owner’s living room and television was on; it was a show with dogs on it…  It grabbed the dog’s attention and ever since has been watching television waiting for the show to come on… Well in the picture the owner is visiting a friend who has a 12-week puppy and the television is on, so of coarse the adult dog is watching TV, but what is amazing so is the puppy…  Why?  Because imitation is the best teacher…  A week earlier I had posted a picture on facebook, and what is the little boy doing?  Of coarse the boy is imitating the Coach…

The importance of imitation is to direct its teaching to a healthy behavior, instead of an unhealthy one…  Over the years of coaching thousands of clients to develop healthy new eating habits, I strongly recommend they have a role model…  One of my favorite saying is, “You will never soar with the eagles if you spend your time hanging out with the turkey’s…  Identify a role model who has the healthy lifestyle you would like to acquire, and let their success help birth your success…  A role model will help point you in the right direction and show by example how you can reach your potential…

I remember doing a national television broadcast talk show, with four best selling authors of weight loss concepts…  Someone from the audience comments to the host, there seems to be only one person from your expert panel, which looks like his concept works…  The show was the Phil Donahue show and it aired live 17 years ago…  Well its seventeen years later and The Fat Loss Coach is still going strong…


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Visit Today From Superman

Visit Today From Superman...

Over the years The Fat Loss Coach has had so many special visitors and each one brought such a powerful message... Today was really special I had a visit from Superman his name is Sergio he is five years ol...d but what a messenger... He came with his uncle Sal who has lost 80 lb. already, which is two of Sergio who weighed in at a mighty 49 lb.

During our meeting I asked Sergio what was the only thing which can harm Superman, he thought real hard and with the help of his Mom Nancy, because Sergio is only five, he says Kryptonite...

So what is our Kryptonite when it comes to losing weight? The three are missing meals, wrong portion and poor quality... Well Sergio's uncle Sal has mastered those and He is in the eyes of little Sergio is Superman...

God knows us better than we know ourselves... He always sends an angel with a special message, today He sent Sergio... At five years old Sergio beliefs are so powerful he thinks he can fly, lets not talk him out of it...

The BEST Apples On Top Of The Tree

The BEST Apples Are On Top Of The Tree

”The best apples are on top of the tree… Many settle for the fallen ones, because it is safe and takes little effort… Some choose the ones within their reach, because they can do it in their own abi...lity… Only a few seek the apples on top, where faith and trust in God makes it to the top”…

I have been so blessed to see so many lives changed from the inside out... We can all see the physical transformation, but the metamorfic change in their hearts is amazing... No matter how many times I witness it, the changes still blow me away...

Denise lost an impressive 40 lb. of fat, while adding 6 lb. of muscle and she made it to the TOP of the tree... The best part is the change in her heart... How do I know? She has kept it off for more than two years...

Some are fooled thinking they have changed, but it is like glueing the wings of a butterfly on a caterpilliar, at some point they will fall off... True change is when the caterpillar becomes the butterfly... Denise is now the butterfly...



Another Starfish Saved

Two decades ago when I started my journey helping clients, I thought the mission was to help them to lose weight…  My approach was unique, because it was customized to the client and targeted only the unwanted fat and managed their hormonal responses…  The results were amazing, but inside I knew there was so much more God wanted to see happen…  God wanted to see people healed…

Each day I go to work, blessed to believe I am an instrument in the Mighty Hand of God…  At times to the world it might look like my efforts are not making much of a difference…  But my best friend the Lord is always there to encourage me, even though it’s happening one person at time, it does make all the difference to Him…

Then again today I receive this amazing note from one of my clients, which I will share…  My clients name is David, and these are his words:

I had a physical recently and since your program, my A1C is down to 6.6 from 7.8 and I am off blood pressure meds. I am sure you know the deal with A1C.. My Endocrinologist was amazed that it's so low and that I have been able to get off the BP meds. Losing the weight and eating this way has changed my life. I owe you and Danielle my life.. I basically have the body now of a non diabetic, not to mention the money I am saving on meds and insulin”…

As I was sharing, the story of the little girl and the starfish came to mind…  If you don’t know the story this is how it goes…

A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”
The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,  “Well, I made a difference to that one!”
I must say, I can relate to the little girl, because I know a BIG GOD…  In our country there has been a great storm and many have been washed up on the beach of obesity…  No matter how large the number, I know they can all be saved…  Even if it happens one at a time I know it makes a difference, just ask David…


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weight Loss Buddies

Weight Loss Buddies

This is an amazing story I want to share… Rose and Joanne traveled 125 miles 12 weeks ago to visit The Fat Loss Coach… Both in their 50’s they agreed they would give weight loss one last try… Well these buddies have accomplished something truly amazing… They did more than beat the 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge, they destroyed it… Rose lost 35lb. of fat and Joanne 34 lb. of fat… They had 7 visits with the Coach over 12 weeks and each time traveled the 125 miles… Both clapped and cheered for each other on every visit as the Coach reported their results… I was truly blessed to have been a part of it…

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yes We Can

Yes We Can !!!

  Before I workout I pray for God's strength and protection, but most of all His companionship.... It was late afternoon and getting to end of my workout.... My body was telling me to stop, but the voice inside began to talk while I was wiping my brow.... It made my eyes look over at a man quietly working out, then as my eyes looked down I saw the man had artificial legs both of them... Electricity or fire rushed through by body and it felt like I could lift the building... His name is Paul and God sure used him to talk to me... We are ALL meant to be over-comers.... No matter what the trial, if we ask for God's help and not give up the victory will be our's... Turn your trial into a triump... I thank God for my new friend Paul....
Well since that day I met Paul no matter where I turn there he is;  the parking lot, bathroom and at all different times of the day in the gym...  The last time we talked I assked Paul what he did and his response trully amazed me...  Paul is a coach and like no other I have met...  His message of never give up or never give in speaks loadly; without him saying a word...  The next time your situation tries to tell you to stop; may the story of Paul having you saying of yes I

No Place Like It

No Place Like It…


It is amazing the beauty that God has created…  No matter how man tries nothing compares to what the hands of the Master created…  I am so blessed all the beauty is shared by my friends…  So let the Coach share with you a place I visited today…  No road map will take you there and your AAA card is of little use: even the eagles do not soar this high…


I closed my eyes and there I was on top of the mountain…  Up here all you breath is peace and the light fills you with joy…  All the trials and challenges of the day disappear and up here you are in need of nothing…  All my aches and pains leave me and walking on water is the treadmill of the day…


Oh what I have heard on my time on the mountain…  The whisper I heard today is what I want to share…  I have heard it before, but not with my human ear…  As I heard it today it took away all my cares…


So gentle a sound, “Do not forfeit your opportunity to draw near to Me, in your effort to serve Me; for I AM in need of nothing…  All I desire is your love…  As your life is filled with the fullness of my life; you also will be in need of nothing”…


How foolish for me to think, I can do something for God…  The Master is always willing to do something in me, with me and through me…  It is my greatest desire; whatever His plan is, may He do it in you…


God bless,

Monday, August 26, 2013

Miracle At The Crossroads

Miracle At The Crossroads


It was nineteen years ago this weekend the Fat Loss Coach faced a major crossroads in my life…  I had lay in a hospital bed for sixteen days; those sixteen days seemed like a lifetime…  I was getting ready for a national body building show, and one month before the show a blood clot formed in my left leg…  I can still picture the ambulance ride as if it were yesterday…  I woke up one morning and my left leg was purple…  So many times we hear about a 911 call, but now one was being placed for me…  How could this be, I had convinced myself I was invincible in the best shape of my life…  Well I was wrong…

The first week in hospital the morphine drip machine and I became best friends…   I knew almost to the minute when to push the button to escape my pain…  During one of my medicated trips I could hear outside the room my doctor tell my girlfriend at the time; we might need to amputate his leg, gangrene is setting in…  Her tear filled voice responded, “you will have to kill him, his leg is his life”…

No matter what the doctors tried they could not break up the clot…  The danger was if they dissolved it too quickly a piece of clot could break off and enter my heart…  Well after ten days the clot started to dissolve miraculously and my leg was spared…  At the time I did not believe in miracles and if this was God’s way of showing me He loved me it would take all His angels to convince me…

On the sixteen day as I left the hospital in a wheelchair with the instructions my bodybuilding life was over and I was lucky to be alive…  If this was good luck, what does bad luck look like?  On the ride home holding back the tears I vowed I was going to prove the doctors wrong…  This was not going to be the end of my dream…

Well it was shortly after I was getting ready to give up…  The vein in my leg had been damaged and the valves destroyed…  It looked like building this body was over…  Well just when you are ready to give up hope, you are in the best place for God to work the miraculous in your life…  He did not need to send all his angels to convince me; it took only one…

If you meet me today you will find I still train, eat and live as a body builder…  I am still preparing for a show…  The stage of this show much bigger than any auditorium could hold and you the reader are not in audience, because you are in show with me…  The show is called life and our reward more valuable than a trophy or title…  The body builder in this show is blessed with long life and good health…

I now believe in miracles and God who had been so distant from me now dwells within my heart; if fact He is my best friend…  Together thousands of lives are now being changed from the inside out one body at a time… 

No matter what challenge you face let my angelic message encourage you everything is possible if you believe…  If you feel you are at the crossroads do not give up, but look up God is waiting to do the miraculous in your life…

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wrong Message In Battle With Obesity

The Fat Loss Coach like most of you had day off on the fourth of July…Time to sit back and relax…I turned on television to enjoy sporting event of the day…No it was not my favorite team doing battle on baseball diamond, but it was a stadium filled with crazed fans…So what was the “BIG” event, disturbing to my eyes and painful to the Coach’s heart; the National Hot Dog eating contest…

When I'm asked in interviews, "What causes America's weight problem?"... I usually respond with the American Lifestyle is outside the hormone design of American's... So what was one of the major sports events on our counties Independence Day? Hot dog eating championship... No, not at your local picnic, but on national broadcast TV, (ESPN)... Oh, all my friends at ESPN, and you still are my friends... We even have experts to give play by play, or better dog by dog breakdown of the event... We now have gluttony as a sporting event... Have we become so blind by our unhealthy lifestyle, it has now caused us to cheer, and make hero’s out of poor quality of life…

Well I could not get back to work fast enough to share my message… Oh it is my prayer this message will get equal time on ESPN... Its time for all of us to say, I am free from being over weight, and free from all the hurt and pain it causes...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

TV Host Wins At 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge

TV Host Wins At 12-Week Fat Loss Challenge

It was 12 weeks ago when Fat Loss Coach Charles Remington challenged Fox TV host Stan Simpson to a fat loss challenge as a guest on Fox's Stan Simpson Show... Simpson was intrigued when interviewing the nutritionist and former Mr Connecticut on his unique concept on weight loss, and his bold claim his customized fat loss system could provide fat loss, without the loss of lean muscle tissue for anyone…

Obesity is such a common media topic and Simpson had several weight loss experts on his show before, but something about the Fat Loss Coach's story seemed different... Remington was talking fat loss; not just weight loss... The Coach claimed there were flaws in most weight loss concepts... The drawbacks were lack of customization, muscle loss, limited behavior modification, and the body's ability to adapt to calorie reduction causing the weight loss to plateau... The other unusual part of the story was the former bodybuilding champion, who still looks like he lives in the gym saying, “Exercise would not be the main focus of the body transformation"...


So the problem and the solution were coming together; Stan needed weight loss and Charlie had the answer, which made sense to the host... The 12- week challenge was now in place; and the claims of The Fat Loss Coach program were now put to the test; and quite a test it would be... The Coach knew going into the challenge the Host's current lifestyle was not conducive for success; but also knew if he could prove it to Stan, he was validating his concept to the media...  The Coach knew his concept worked, because he had already proven it to thousands, but now wanted to put it to the test on television…


At the start of the challenge Stan weighed 228 lbs at 32% body fat; which meant he had a lean weight of 155 lbs and 73 lbs of body fat... The promised result of The Fat Loss Coach program was to provide a 5-8% drop in body fat; without losing any muscle or lean weight... This meant the television host would need to lose a minimum of 1.3 lbs of fat loss each week... Over the 12 weeks Stan ate four meals, which were perfectly portioned to his body composition and activity... Each meal consisted of foods Stan picked common from a local grocery store, which stabilized his blood sugar and triggered a hormone response; shifting him from a catabolic to anabolic balance... In simple terms Simpson's muscles were now being well fed, while he was becoming leaner...


In theory with everything properly in place how could The Fat Loss Coach program fail? Well even the best philosophies have to do more than make sense in a book; they have to work in real life... During the first week of the challenge, Stan reported to the Coach he was complying to the requirements of the program an estimated 80%...


The Coach’s work was now cut out for him…  Even though all the guesswork had been taken out what to do, some of Simpson’s old eating behaviors started to surface…  Remington recalled Stan would e-mail late at night when he started to stray of the path the plan…  Charlie would encourage the Host off the so-called ledge of falling of the plan by saying, “your four hours away from doing it right”…  One night after responding Remington, also a healing minister turned to God…  The Coach said, “God the bible promises you never sleep or slumber; well there is no sense in both of us staying up…  I place Stan in your hands…  God must have been listening …


The 12-week challenge flew by and it was now the moment of truth…  Stan needed to check in, and see if he reached the goals set by the plan…  Well even though he had conformed to the plan at best an estimated 80%; he had surpassed the 12-week goal…  Stan’s body fat had gone from 32% down to 25%, which meant he had lost 19.4 lbs of fat averaging 1.6 lbs per week…  During the 12 weeks Stan injured his knee and his regular workout efforts stopped for 2 weeks…  However over the 12 weeks Stan’s lean or muscle weight had gone up by 5.6 lbs…   Stan Simpson had won the 12-week Fat Loss Challenge; his body-fat had dropped 7%, and forget losing muscle, his increased even while injured…


Well timing is everything and on Tuesday 6/18/13 one day before the Fox taping of Simpson’s results, the America Medical Association makes a historical change in its classification of        obesity…  The AMA was now classifying obesity as a disease, which meant in the view of the AMA if you are obese you are sick…  Obesity standards differ, but the most accepted standards for men are a BMI of higher than 30, or a body-fat percentage above 25%…
At the start of the 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge Stan Simpson’s body fat percentage was 32%, which meant in the view of the AMA Stan was not only obese, he was sick… The 12 Week Challenge had done much more than provided Stan with 19.4 lbs of fat loss and dropping his body fat to 25%; under the new AMA classification he was no longer sick… It was with great pleasure after the Fox show for the Coach to congratulate the TV Host and to call him well… The 12-Week Challenge had been proven on television, and now the Coach was challenging the rest of the media world… If the Coach’s concept could work for Stan Simpson, it could work for anyone…


Friday, June 7, 2013

Weight Loss Dance

Weight Loss Dance

Its seems strange for a guy who seems to have two left feet when it comes to dancing to write about a weight loss dance…  In fact my article has nothing to do directly with the activity of dancing to lose weight…  However it does involve a valuable lesson I learned going to my first dance, which changed my life…

Several weeks ago one of my first patients of the day was an 80-year old female, 4’8” weighing 143 lbs at 47% body fat…  During our initial consultation I explained she had 67 lbs of fat, and would have to lose 31 lbs of it to get to her ideal weight of 112 lbs…  Her response, “that is impossible”…  I am never surprise when I hear those words; especially a client her age, but also never surprised, when it happens…  In fact I expect it will happen…

Three weeks after her starting her customized plan, she loses 7 lbs of fat, while increasing 2 lbs of muscle…  Her smile lit up her face…  I must say mine left me, when she said, “can I go back to some of my old habits”…  I closed my eyes and I could hear my father’s (earthly father) voice asking me; which girl are you taking to the dance?  What is so strange, it happened more than 30 years ago at my first high school dance… The Beatles were the dance theme, no not the ones in your garden, the group from England…  After I told my Dad who I was taking; he simply said, “be sure she is who you take home”…

His advice was so simple, but its wisdom would last my whole life…  He was saying remain faithful to the choices you make…  Bring home from the dance the one you brought to the dance…

I opened my eyes and asked my client this question…  What habits created her amazing fat loss in such a short period of time?  Of course she said, “my new eating habits”… Eating four meals a day of quality foods, which had been perfectly portioned to her produced dramatic fat loss; especially in the middle third of her body… She had brought her new habits to the weight loss dance, but now wanted to go home with some of her old ones…

Well it is more than thirty years since that first dance, but it taught me a lesson I have been practicing ever since…  I decided long ago I would bring to the dance healthy foods in amounts right for me; five or six meals per day…  My healthy lifestyle would be a faithful dance partner providing me a strong, lean and very healthy body; which was aging slower than the others at the dance…

I still seem to have two left feet when it comes to dancing; but I have masters a three-step system, which has changed the lives of thousands…  Over more than two decades thousands of my clients have brought to their weight loss dance a lifestyle customized to them of right foods, perfectly portioned at proper times…  The Beatles no longer show up at dances, but my concept has stood the test of time…  I still share the wisdom I learned long ago; bring home from the dance the one brought to the dance…