Friday, December 19, 2014



Six months ago I met Janet and during our first interview when asked what she wanted me to help her accomplish, she replied, “To be in a physique contest”… Coach was a little surprised when she told me she had never been in a contest before, and she was now over fifty… Well my response, “If you can belief for it you can have it”…

I must say at the beginning it looked like too lofty a goal, because Janet was starting out at 147 lb. and 41% body fat; in addition to being hypoglycemic and on the verge of becoming diabetic…

Our journey began and after her first 12 weeks she had dropped her body fat to 27% and she was gaining muscle at the same time… Each time during her 3 week check-in the same question, “Coach do you think I’ll be ready”… My response was always the same, “Believe you can, expect you will, and you’ll be ready”…

This Saturday was the contest and Coach is so proud to report she did more than compete in the show, she was a finalist… She competed at 113 lb. at 15% body-fat and competed with women 20 years younger… Janet’s dream came true and she told me she will be in another contest this weekend…

What is your dream? The formula to receive your heart desire is simple but powerful… Just believe you can, expect you will, with all your heart and your dream will come true, just ask Janet… God bless… Coach