Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Too Much BODY FAT Increases Risk For Ovarian Cancver

Too Much BODY FAT Increases Risk For Ovarian Cancer

On Tuesday 3/11/14 the NBC Today Show reported a new study which should get every females attention…  The headlines were too much BODY FAT cause increase risk in ovarian cancer… 

A team at American Institute Cancer Research looked at 25 studies with data on 4 million women, 16,000 of whom developed ovarian cancer and their report concluded; “Greater body fatness is a probable cause of ovarian cancer in woman”…

“This is an important finding because it shows a way for women to reduce their chances of getting ovarian cancer,” said Dr. Elisa Bandera of the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, who helped write the study. “There is so much we don't know about preventing ovarian cancer, but now we can tell women that keeping to a healthy weight can help protect against this deadly disease”…

But the AICR report suggests that a woman doesn’t have to be obese — with a BMI of 30 or greater — for the risk to start growing. Even overweight women have a higher risk, the data suggests, starting at a BMI of about 28, which is considered overweight but not quite obese…

Over the years the Coach’s message has been managing our percent of body fat is also our best offense to defend us against deadly diseases…  The solution to a “healthy lifestyle” is right foods, right amounts and at right times…  The power to manage our hormone and metabolic responses is within our control…

Take action and make a healthy lifestyle your priority; the life you’re saving may be you own…  Coach

Friday, March 7, 2014



As you read this story picture yourself on a journey, and I am your tour guide… I will bring you on a pathway of knowledge, which breaks away from conventional wisdom, and shed light on a new approa...ch to reach your destination; your ideal weight… Before we leave you will have to unpack your bag of failed weight loss concepts and diets… Our trip will bring a fresh arousal to your spirit and challenge your mind to see weight loss in a healthy, but completely new way…

On our journey, many times I will ask you to stop and see beyond the logic of your intellect, for your common sense is a poor guide… We will discover together hidden truths, which go deeper than nutritional facts and science alone would get us off coarse… At times I will have to guide you through a fog of misleading, media driven information, but you can relax; I have guided this tour thousands of times before…

Our 12-week journey will empower you for a lifetime of results… Each tour must be individually experienced no one can travel in the success of someone else… We only move forward in our journey to our goal when we keep our feet on the path of right foods, proper amounts and timed correctly… Our trip will ignite your metabolism and redirect your spirit… When we finish your tour you will never want to leave…

I am so happy to report the results of the 12-week tour Stephanie and The Fat Loss Coach completed… In 12 short weeks Stephanie body fat went from 32% to 20%, losing 20 lb. of fat, while gaining 4 lb. of muscle… She reached her ideal body fat, but something amazing happened on her journey… She learned her journey had no end and this was just the beginning to her life long travel of being the BEST she can be… Are you ready to be guided to your IDEAL BODY, it will change your life just ask Stephanie… Coach



The Garden Of Healthy Weight Loss

Growing up in a large city Worcester, MA I never would have dreamed one of The Fat Loss Coach’s major principles of success in losing weight and keeping it off would sound so agricultural…  A principle so simple, but so powerful in fact it works every time, because there is both spiritual and natural laws that govern it…  The principle is the “seed” must reproduce of like kind…  An example plant a wheat seed and it will reproduce wheat…  We have all heard the phase you reap what you sow… 

If this is the year you reach your ideal weight and desired body composition it starts by sowing the right seed…  To manage both your hormone and metabolic responses to the foods you eat learn to plant the seeds of right foods, right amounts and at scheduled times…  Each persons garden is unique to them based on percentage of body fat, activity level, exercise schedule and of coarse food likes and dislikes…  You will now reap a harvest of muscles being well fed and unwanted body fat being shed, along with long list of health benefits and improvement in well-being…

Every good gardener knows the garden must be watered with a committed heart, willing desire and physical discipline…  We also must being willing to weed the garden from old behavior or bad habits returning, the “weed must not eat our seed”…

I’m happy to report another healthy garden and gardener guided by the Fat Loss Coach…  Joe has lost 30lb. of fat in just 12 short weeks…  His body fat percentage dropped from 37% all the way down to 26%, while gaining an impressive 10 lb. of lean muscle…  Is it time to plant your garden of success or maybe some weeding is need?  Put to work the principle of the “seed” of right effort will produce for you the harvest of desired results, just ask Joe…   Coach


Walk In The Light To Your Ideal Body

Some of the smallest lessons in The Fat Loss Coach’s life and the lives of his client have made some of the biggest changes…  I am going to share today a lesson so simple, but so powerful if you put it to practice will guarantee change in your life… 

The lesson is light or dark do not occur in the same place at the same time…  Coach, how does this have anything to do with getting to my ideal body? Everything because the same is true with right or wrong and positive or negative do not occur at the same time in your journey to your ideal body… 

A client several weeks ago had been doing excellent for nine weeks following her new lifestyle and her results were truly amazing, but on this visit it was like I was talking to a different person, everything coming out of her mouth was negative and her results had changed…  As she was taking I stood up and turned off the lights and sat down and we both sat in the dark for about one minute…  I guess she did not know what I was about to do, but she stopped talking…  Then I stood up turned back on the lights and the flow of positive, uplifting and prophetic words started flowing out of my mouth like a dam had been broken and the waters could not be held back…  The atmosphere of the room totally changed, and I said to her light or dark couldn’t be in the same room at the same time, one has to leave…  The same is true with right or wrong they cannot guide you at the same time, one has to leave…  Well she got the message and her visit this week was outstanding…

This is how I meet most individuals who struggle they are walking in the darkness of poor understanding and history of repeated failure…  However once they learn to walk in the light or knowledge of their body chemistry and light of right foods, right amounts and right timing years of wasted effort is dramatically changed in weeks of walking in the light…

Today I want to report an amazing story of walking in the light…  Her name is Carrie a professional fitness instructor, who when we met was exercising 10 hours weekly, but very unhappy weighing 138 lb. at 30% body fat…  Well in just 4 short weeks Carrie’s weight went to 128lb. and body fat dropped all the way to 20.9%…  She lost 14.4 lb. of fat while gaining 4.4 lb. of muscle… Her amazing transformation took place in only four weeks and it wiped out years of failed efforts…  Results keep you motivated and I think Carrie soared out of my office today…  How about you, is it time you walked in the light?  You life will never be the same, just ask Carrie…  Coach

Thursday, March 6, 2014



Love what you do and you NEVER work a day in your life…  I guess The Fat Loss Coach has been on vacation for a very long time…  I LOVE to help my clients be the BEST they can be spirit, mind and body… 

A client recently lost 12 lb. in only three weeks and his comment was “I do not mind my new lifestyle”…   I quickly responded, “is that good?”…  He was surprised, with my comment, because he had lost 12 lb…  I said, “what would your wife think the next time you tell her you do not mind her”…   He quickly received the message…

Let me introduce you to Michelle and her comment after her first three weeks were, “I love my new lifestyle”…  Well Michelle’s passion has turn into an amazing change in body fat from 32% to 17% in only 12 weeks…  She also being a fitness instructor exercising 10 or more hours per week learned her new lifestyle was more than a better way, but the only way to reach her goals…

Michelle’s passion has also lead to a change in her life’s work…  The Fat Loss Coach is both proud and happy to announce Michelle becoming a Fat Loss Coach herself…  Yes, the Fat Loss Coach is expanding…  No not his waist line, but opening up a third office at Peak Fitness in Seymour, CT and Michelle will be the Fat Loss Coach…  The Coach and Michelle will be introducing the opening of the new location with a Seminar on Monday 2/10/14 at 7:00 p.m. at Peak Fitness…  This is only the start of The Fat Loss Coach’s plans of expansion in 2014 and into the future…  We would LOVE to see you there…



Today was such a special day for the Fat Loss Coach…  I had been contacted on Wednesday and asked to see me right away on Friday…  Well I had no appointments open, but the voice on the inside said, “Coach do it during your break time”…  So I booked the appointment and they said they were bringing a friend…

At the appointment Dominic the friend says, “Coach I have already worked with you”…  The change in Dominic was so dramatic I did not recognize him…  I had worked with Dominic in 2009 and he weighed 275 lb. and his body fat was 46%…  Well today Dominic is 197 lb. at 24% body fat…  Halfway through the meeting as I was giving my presentation it hit me, I remembered Dominic and asked “you’re the man with the injured leg”? 

Dominic responded, “Coach I had given up on life because of my injury”…  Your coaching gave me back my life…  Those of you who know the story of my injured leg can imagine how rewarding it is to help someone who’s circumstance is trying to make them give up or give in…  No matter what you face never give up hope, because your victory is on its way, just ask Dominic…  Coach

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Last week as I was preparing for my seminar to open a new Fat Loss Coach office at Peak Fitness in Seymour, CT I was given a prophetic word tonight they will “SEE MORE”…  I knew something special was about to happen…  So later on the same day I received a call from a couple needing my help with a strange request, “can we bring our dog to the meeting”…  No one had ever requested this before, but it all made sense once was I learned James one of my new guests was blind…

The couple liked my nutrition concept and enrolled in the 12 week Fat Loss Challenge…  The first appointment was booked for one week after our innitial meeting… Three nights in a row before the meeting in my sleep I hear the words “lite-mayo”…  Well after having created thousands of programs the words lite mayo did not seem odd, because I use it all the time in client meals…

Well at my next meeting with Kari and James I learn James’s seeing eye dog is named “Mayo” and Mayo is James eyes guiding him to the Coach who is going to make James Lite…  OMG…  Then I start to think Mayo and the Coach have a lot in common…

Most who come to see The Fat Loss Coach have been “blinded” by lack of knowledge and poor eating behavior…  So I become their eyes to help them understand their hormone and metabolic responses to right foods, right amounts and right schedule of meals and show them the way to their ideal weight and health…

God is so amazing, I believe God will now use James to show the rest of us if James can find his way to his ideal weight, we all can…  I’m so happy to have Mayo a part of the Fat Loss Coach’s team to help all to “SEE MORE”…  Coach



This principle alone will cause your faith to skyrocket, ‘don’t go by what you see”…  It was a busy Monday at the Fat Loss Coach office and the Coach had 22 clients I was seeing that day… My size and exercise schedule requires the Coach to eat 6 meals about every 2.5 hours, so some day getting my meals in between clients can be quite a challenge…  Well it’s toward the end of my day and only a few clients remaining and I was a little behind schedule…  So prior to my appointment with Allen it seemed like I swallowed my fifth meal I ate so fast…  During our appointment I started to get a reflux response right in front of Allen… 

Allen had lost 80 lb. in his first seven months, but over a nine-week stretch he became to comfortable with his success and some old behavior resurfaced…   My commitment to help caused me to reach for my pale in my office during my reflux attack and continued to counsel him…  I felt so bad about my condition during the meeting I appoloigized and told him I would not charge him for the session…

Well after Allen left I offered up a prayer to God to intervein and speak to Allen’s heart to be more committed…  I believe God always answers prayer, but my session with Allen looked like just the opposite would happen…

I am so happy to report at Allen’s next session He lost an amazing 12 lb., which now brought his total weight loss to 92 lb., but more importantly showed Allen his behavior and not his metabolism was the cause of his stall in progress…

The best part was when Allen told me after the reflux session with me he sat in his car and said, “Coach is so committed to helping me he counseled me even during his attack, I need to be more committed”…  I big smile came to my face knowing it was an answer to my prayer…  God is ALWAYS faithful to answer our prayer, don’t go by what you see, put your trust in God…

Lean And Fit FOREVER

Lean And Fit FOREVER

The Coach is so inspired today to bring forth this message, “once a body builder ALWAYS a body builder’…  So what has the Coach so inspired?  Yesterday I watched a news report on a former MR Universe…  His name and the story, which had nothing to do with being MR Universe is not important…  It left this question in my heart, what happened to the universe?

Many years ago someone very special said to me as I walked across a gym floor, “your a BODY BUILDER”…  At first I looked at them strange and responded of coarse, but then I got the revelation…  They were saying I was building others up, spirit, mind and body…  What a responsibility and one I have always taken with the highest respect and importance…

Well today my enthusiasm has NEVER been higher to continue to be the best I can be and lead not by words, but by my actions…  I spent much of the day sky walking in prayer and as I returned to this planet committed to be the VERY BEST I can be…  I hope you will join me…  Coach



On Friday 2/28/14 the NBC today show Investigative Correspondent Jeff Rossen reported the number one fraud of consumers is related to weight loss products…  Rossen reported many of the testimonials in advertisements never used the products…  Earlier this year the FDA imposed multi-million dollar fines on manufactures of diet products like SENSA, which cannot prove their weight loss claims…

The Fat Loss Coach for decades has been reporting REAL PEOPLE with REAL RESULTS on losing fat and improving over all health…  Today one of my first clients Mike lost 16 lb. of fat and droped his body fat percentage 5.4% in only three weeks…  My next appointment his wife Katelyn lost 24.2 lb. of fat and her body fat percentage 8.9% in only six weeks…

So what does work when you need to lose weight and improve your health?  Create a healthy LIFESTYLE of right foods, right amounts at right times and learn to live within your hormone and metabolic design…  Follow the example of REAL PEOPLE getting REAL RESULTS…  Coach



No…  That’s not 007 James Bond under the Russian hat; it’s the Coach having fun with two of my New York Russian America clients…  I must say though Bond and the Coach have one thing in common… In all of the 37 James Bond films the British secret agent was forever getting out of tight jams  Well for decades The Fat Loss Coach secret nutrition formula has been getting thousands of clients out of their tight jeans

I’m so proud of Dan and his Mom Irene who travel all the way from Manhattan NY to work with the Coach…  Together they have lost 45 lb. of fat and their body fat percentages have dropped 15.2%…  This is an amazing result and their commitment to a healthy lean lifestyle has made them winners at losing…  Is it time for you to get out of a tight jam or better tight jeans?  You’ll LOVE the way you feel, just ask Dan and Irene…  Coach


Today was a special day for the Fat Loss Coach…  Over the years the Coach has received so many wonderful tokens of appreciation, but the one I received today brought both a smile and a tear at the same time…

I would be meeting with Dita one of my clients today and it’s her birthday; so the Coach sent her a note wishing her a happy birthday…  This is the response I received back…  Coach 5 years ago today I met you and you helped change my life forever… The greatest birthday gift I have ever given myself is YOU!!

Sometimes the best give we can receive is the gift we give to ourselves, when we decide to LOVE ourselves…  Dita and the Coach have celebrated five birthdays together and each one is more special than the previous…  Dita has lost 40 lb. of body fat and has kept it off for five years…  She has been a Fat Loss Coach AllStar for five years and it has been my honor to have played a small part in her success…  Happy birthday Dita you are God’s gift to the rest of us…  Coach


Most of you know today is Fat Tuesday so who better to comment on it than the guy you all know as The Fat Loss Coach…  Fat Tuesday has a very long history with Catholic religious roots going back more than 800 years…  It is also called Mardi Gras which Latin meaning is “farewell to the flesh”…  It’s a day of celebration one day before Catholic’s will make their 40-day pilgrimage of denying themselves certain foods mostly meats or highly desired behaviors as an offering to God which start on Ash Wednesday and is observed for 40 days called lent…  Its a period were tradition tells its followers not to be guided by their flesh, but by their faith…

I share this history lesson not to comment on its tradition, but to raise it to even a higher understanding posing this question…  Should we be guided by our faith or beliefs instead of our flesh every day?

Over decades The Fat Loss Coach has witnessed thousands of clients say “farewell to unwanted fat” and many weight related health disorders by developing beliefs in a healthy lean and fit lifestyle which are practiced every day; a lifestyle which brings stability and balance to their spirit, mind and body…

The Coach today wants to celebrate this day by introducing you to Donna and Scott who have said farewell to an amazing 44.2 lb. of fat in only six weeks…  This committed couples body fat percentages have dropped 17 percentage points Scott (37%-27%) and Donna (40%-33%) and surpassed a 12 week goal in only 6 weeks…  Their story becomes even more special, because their lean weight increased by 10 lb. of lean muscle…  No more saying farewell to muscle for this couple while losing weight…

So lets start a new tradition where every day the behavior which leads to being over-weight and poor health is offered up to God…  If you think no spiritual basis for the Coach’s suggestion; well check out Leviticus 3:16 in the bible…  The fat belongs to The Lord…  Coach

BELIEVE You Can / Expect You WILL / With All Your STRENGTH

BELIEVE You Can / Expect You WILL / With All Your STRENGTH

Yesterday I met with one of my clients named Salvatore who has now lost a miraculous 111 lb….  What is so ironic is Sal’s name means exactly what has happened to him…  The name Salvatore means savior, and I believe my Savior the Lord used me to save Sal from the imprisonment of being over-weight sentenced to poor health and poor quality of life…

Each time Sal visits me he comes with his sister Nancy a wonderful supporter and sometimes her young son Sergio…  During my coaching session I was motivating Sal building his faith and I make this statement, “NOTHING can defeat you”…  Well little Sergio shouts out “kryptonite can”…  The little superman might be right, but last time I checked the Coach didn’t put any kryptonite in Salvatore’s meals…

Coach’s tip of the day: BELIEVE you can, EXPECT you will, with ALL your STRENGTH and NOTHING can defeat you, not even kryptonite…  Coach www.thefatlosscoach.com