Monday, August 26, 2013

Miracle At The Crossroads

Miracle At The Crossroads


It was nineteen years ago this weekend the Fat Loss Coach faced a major crossroads in my life…  I had lay in a hospital bed for sixteen days; those sixteen days seemed like a lifetime…  I was getting ready for a national body building show, and one month before the show a blood clot formed in my left leg…  I can still picture the ambulance ride as if it were yesterday…  I woke up one morning and my left leg was purple…  So many times we hear about a 911 call, but now one was being placed for me…  How could this be, I had convinced myself I was invincible in the best shape of my life…  Well I was wrong…

The first week in hospital the morphine drip machine and I became best friends…   I knew almost to the minute when to push the button to escape my pain…  During one of my medicated trips I could hear outside the room my doctor tell my girlfriend at the time; we might need to amputate his leg, gangrene is setting in…  Her tear filled voice responded, “you will have to kill him, his leg is his life”…

No matter what the doctors tried they could not break up the clot…  The danger was if they dissolved it too quickly a piece of clot could break off and enter my heart…  Well after ten days the clot started to dissolve miraculously and my leg was spared…  At the time I did not believe in miracles and if this was God’s way of showing me He loved me it would take all His angels to convince me…

On the sixteen day as I left the hospital in a wheelchair with the instructions my bodybuilding life was over and I was lucky to be alive…  If this was good luck, what does bad luck look like?  On the ride home holding back the tears I vowed I was going to prove the doctors wrong…  This was not going to be the end of my dream…

Well it was shortly after I was getting ready to give up…  The vein in my leg had been damaged and the valves destroyed…  It looked like building this body was over…  Well just when you are ready to give up hope, you are in the best place for God to work the miraculous in your life…  He did not need to send all his angels to convince me; it took only one…

If you meet me today you will find I still train, eat and live as a body builder…  I am still preparing for a show…  The stage of this show much bigger than any auditorium could hold and you the reader are not in audience, because you are in show with me…  The show is called life and our reward more valuable than a trophy or title…  The body builder in this show is blessed with long life and good health…

I now believe in miracles and God who had been so distant from me now dwells within my heart; if fact He is my best friend…  Together thousands of lives are now being changed from the inside out one body at a time… 

No matter what challenge you face let my angelic message encourage you everything is possible if you believe…  If you feel you are at the crossroads do not give up, but look up God is waiting to do the miraculous in your life…