Friday, May 30, 2014



Obesity in America continues to rise... Scientists are hard at work on their experiments with mice... When the answer to the problem is steering the USA right in the face every tine you're in the grocery st

So what is the problem in the battle of the bulge? The only aisle in the grocery store where the food comes with instructions? The pet food aisle. .. If you know the age and weight of the pet the instructions tell you exactly how much food to portion...

We all love are pets, but it's time to love yourself... Listen to the Fat Loss Coach and find out what are the right food's in right amounts for you... Isn't it time every aisle has instructions for you? Your next trip to the grocery store can have you on your journey to your ideal weight... It's easy just ask your dog or cat.... Coach...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

God is Greater Than Your Circumstance

Yesterday someone stopped by the Coach’s office and dropped off a prayer request…  Well if you think the Coach likes working out, there is NOTHING I desire more than to go to our Heavenly Father in prayer…  Last night I began to pray and this morning God woke me up with these words, “Because you have never lost your hope and placed your trust in Me I will restore to you double”…

Well this morning I was honored to pray for this person and the glory of God filled the room and her circumstance which is in two area’s,  (double) was prophetically ministered too…  The floor was filled with anointed tears and I was able to be a witness of God’s grace…

Seven years ago the Coach was diagnosed with no cartilage in my left shoulder…  The MRI showed not worn cartilage, but no cartilage and it was recommended I have a shoulder joint replacement…  Those were the facts, but I believe in the power of the truth in God’s promises…  The picture you see is not from 2007, seven years ago, but seven hours ago…  God knows my passion for working out, but my passion for Him is greater and He has given my left shoulder the ability to perform on a high level with no cartilage…  If you need any proof show up any day between 1-3 pm…

God is greater than your circumstance, no matter what your circumstance…  The truth of God’s word is greater than the facts of your circumstance…  You must never lose your hope, put all your trust in God and believe God will restore back to you double…  Coach 

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Over the last twenty-three years one of the most common questions asked of the Fat Loss Coach is do you have a book…  Well the answer to the book question is yes, but my book is not why the Coach is best known…  The Coach’s reputation comes from helping you rewrite your book…

No matter how scientific and unique the Fat Loss Coach principles are for managing hormone and metabolic reactions; no theory is life changing unless it works for you…  I decided long ago it be far better to have thousands of best sellers than one on the New York Times best seller list…

Once again the question of do you have a book is asked by John who happens to be involved in publishing at the prestigious Yale University… My book on the hallowed shelves of Yale crosses the Coach’s mind for a brief second, but the words coming out of my mouth said, “John I going to rewrite your book”…

So our journey began and I’m happy to report John’s manuscript of customizing right foods, right amounts and at right times; powered by the Coach’s Glyco-Cycle has rewritten John’s destiny…  John has lost an amazing 30 lb. of fat and increased his lean muscle by 3 lb. in only 12 weeks…  The Coach would rather have a walking, taking book named John walking the halls of Yale, than a book collecting dust on the historic shelves of the university…  Coach

Friday, May 23, 2014

LIGHT And DARK Can’t Be In The Same PLACE

LIGHT And DARK Can’t Be In The Same PLACE

Today will be just like yesterday and the day before at The Fat Loss Coach office…  The Coach will see twenty plus clients and each session shine the light of the truth on the path of the journey to each client’s destiny…

One thing is for certain the light of the truth and the darkness of what is false cannot exist in the same place at the same time… 

At my Glastonbury office one of my clients shared with me an inspiring story…  The client is 65 yrs. old and in six weeks had lost 20 lb. of fat…  She said, “Coach I have been so faithful to my new lifestyle”…  She is a vice president of a large insurance company and in charge of European affairs for her company…  On her drive back to the airport with three executives from Europe she pulls over on the highway pulls out her meal and starts to eat…  She tells her passengers I have a new belief in eating that I respect and I am faithful to…  As she is ing her meal she tells the foreign executives I respect my responsibility conducting my business with you and will treat our relationship with the same faithfulness and respect…

All the Coach could say is “wow”…  No better example of the light shining into the darkness of the circumstance…  Let your light of doing what you believe is right shine bright today; believe you can, expect you will, with all your heart and watch the darkness of your situation fade away…  Coach



Please don't take this advice while driving, but if you learn to see with the eyes of your spirit you will find your destiny.... It's common for a client to ask me Coach I'm going "there" what should I do?...
I always respond, "well what do you believe"... When you see through the eyes of your belief or faith; who you are will determine what to do where you are...

So many times where we are in location, mood, circumstance, environment or even health starts to tell us who we are.... What we physically see or feel starts to diminish the guidance of being led by the power and wisdom of our beliefs....

So close your eyes and take to flight guided by the eyes of your spirit.... As we fix the eyes of our spirit on God what looks hard or maybe impossible to our physical eyes becomes possible even guaranteed with God...

Believe God can, and expect God will and obey Him with all your love and watch Him work the miraculous in your life... Coach

What Looks Like An EXIT Is An ENTRANCE

This weekend it was time for Coach to get new flowerpots for the entrance of my home… The Coach knows very little about flowers so I asked the Lord for His help and once again He showed off His green...
thumb… As I was installing the pots I received this amazing revelation… The pot on the left represented forgiven and the pot on the right was destiny and I entered in between them… One pot you call past and other the future and I enter the path between them…

This is so true for all those seeking a healthy new lifestyle to enter the new you must exit the old… The past mistakes are forgiven and the destiny of tomorrows results live inside us today… It is important not to return back to mistakes of the past and guided by our beliefs we will have victory over the challenges of tomorrow…

We all can be at our ideal weight and ideal health… I have seen it happen to thousands one body at a time; and there is no better body for it to happen to next than your body… Believe you can, expect you will, with all your ability… Coach 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Thrill Of VICTORY

The Thrill Of VICTORY

Growing up one of the Coach’s favorite television shows was ABC’s Wide World Of Sports with its host the late Jim McKay…  This is how the introduction to the show went; “spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat”…

Well ABC sports is now a part of the ESPN family and many ESPN employee’s are now part of the Fat Loss Coach family…  Life is so ironic and God amazes me more and more each day…  Who would have ever thought that young boy watching ABC would someday be coaching his followers from agony into victory?  God would…

I happy to report the amazing pain to gain story of Kim one of the fifty plus ESPN employees working with the Coach…  Kim lost an impressive 21 lb. of fat in only 12 weeks…  Kim did more than win at the 12-week challenge; she erased years of frustration…  Kim’s body fat went from 35% to 25%, at a weight of only 113 lb….  This is the body fat of a woman 15 years younger…  Is it time you turned agony into victory, you’ll be glad you did just ask Kim…  Coach

BELIEVE You Can / Expect You WILL / With All Your STRENGTH

BELIEVE You Can / Expect You WILL / With All Your STRENGTH

Yesterday I met with one of my clients named Salvatore who has now lost a miraculous 125 lb…. What is so ironic is Sal’s name means exactly what has happened to him… The name Sal
vatore means savior, and I believe my Savior the Lord used me to save Sal from the imprisonment of being over-weight sentenced to poor health and poor quality of life…

Each time Sal visits me he comes with his sister Nancy a wonderful supporter and sometimes her young son Sergio… During my coaching session I was motivating Sal building his faith and I make this statement, “NOTHING can defeat you”… Well little Sergio shouts out “kryptonite can”… The little superman might be right, but last time I checked the Coach didn’t put any kryptonite in Salvatore’s meals…

Coach’s tip of the day: BELIEVE you can, EXPECT you will, with ALL your STRENGTH and NOTHING can defeat you, not even kryptonite… Coach

Turning WATER Into WINE

Turning WATER Into WINE

We all know the human body consists mostly of water… Our blood is 82% water, our muscles are 75% water, even our bones our 20% water… One of my favorite events in the life of Jesus was the first miracle he perform...
ed when He turned the water into wine… This majestic miracle has many meanings; one that has guided the Coach is the metamorphic change of a life guided by the flesh (water), into a life guided by the spirit (wine)…

I have seen over the last two decades so many metamorphic caterpillars into butterfly’s stories and lives guided by poor physical habits into transformed bodies guided by strong committed beliefs… I have been so blessed to see the water turn into wine… Let the miracle be alive in YOU today… Coach

The Power Of Encouragement

The Power Of Encouragement
We all need encouragement a coach's pep talk to inspire us to accept our worthiness to achieve whatever challenge we face... Even the Son of God received encouragement as He set out on His journey to save the world...

You could call this the ultimate pep talk of all time because the coach was God... At the river Jordan as Jesus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit a voice from heaven says" This is My beloved Son In whom I Am well pleased... The talk short and sweet, but remember it's coming from the great I Am... The timing of these majestic words came at the start of our Lords life saving journey; before any of the multitude of miracles he performed. ...

We need to be encouraged at the start of each day, each task and along the journey of being everything God intends for us to be...

I encourage all my clients they are equipped for greatness and the destiny of their completed task lives inside them today.... To see the finished work at the start and to speak to those things which be not as though they desire they be...

As we see we have been equipped with the knowledge and guided by the faith with God everything is possible if you believe... As your Coach I encourage all of you to go forth and take possession of all your hear

ts desires for our God is more than worthy to do All that we ask or imagine of Him... Be blessed... Coach

Wednesday, May 14, 2014



One day quite a few years ago while driving down the street an exotic car pass by and the voice from the back seat says, “What a phat car”… I turned to the kids as if they were speaking a new language; “phat car” is that ...
something good I asked?

Over decades thousands and thousands of clients have come wanting help from the Fat Loss Coach to get rid of unwanted fat; so in my world fat is still something to shed and not admire…

Well its an estimated 600,000 pounds of fat have been shed over the years… If you’re reading this maybe you have made a good size deposit to that colossal number…

Well Jeannette has just completed her 12-week challenge and she made a nice deposit as well… Jeannette lost 24 lb. of fat in just 11-weeks, she needed to check in a week early she was so excited… Jeannette’s body fat dropped an impressive amount from 37% to 26% and her lean muscle increased by 2.5lb…. The most important part of her success is she is now achieving the results from her 5 hours of exercise, she was being cheated out of before, because of her poor eating habits… The next time she passes by you, you won’t be calling her fat in ANY language… Coach

Faith Of A Centurion

Faith Of A Centurion

Today was a very special day for the Coach… I was able to invite and welcome Alan Kingsley into the Fat Loss Coach Centurion Club… We all know a centurion was a fierce Roman warrior and was in charge over 100 Roman s
oldiers, which is where the named originated…

A centurion was a man of authority and when he commanded a soldier to go or come the soldier obeyed his authority… One of the most powerful stories of Christian faith is the encounter of the centurion and the Lord… His famous words to the Lord, “just speak the word and my servant will be healed”… The centurion bold faith made even the Lord take notice… Now that’s life-changing authority…

Well today I’m happy to report Alan has taken authority over 102 lb. of fat and commanded it to leave his body… This is a remarkable life-changing achievement, because this unwanted fat has been Alan’s enemy most of his adult life… Alan’s spirit mind and body transformation has given him authority over right foods, right amounts and at right times… I’m proud to welcome him a centurion… Coach


One of the my favorite questions to ask young children who accompany a parent on a check-in is; would you rather go back and be one year younger or one year older? After asking that question hundreds of times and many years; no child has said younger… They are forward in their thinking and no going back to who they were younger…

I must say the response is very much different when I ask senior clients… The question is why and I believe it’s found in how we age… I believe along with many experts we have two ages; a chronological and biologic age… One we can’t change, but the other we can… Here the old saying applies; accept what you can’t change and change what you can…

Over decades the Fat Loss Coach has proclaimed my concept is the most scientific way to lose fat and manage hormone and metabolic responses… I have also been a witness thousands of times seeing clients biologically reverse and slow aging… The problem is science has been slow to document why… Well science has now caught up to the Coach… I have been teaching for years the importance in managing glycation and it effect on how we age and it is the foundation behind many of the Fat Loss Coach principles…

Here’s a homework assignment for all my followers… Look up Advanced Gylcation End Products or A.G.E… No mystery here looks what it spells and let it be the added motivation for your next meal to make you lean and young… Coach

The TRUTH Never Changes

The TRUTH Never Changes

In my behavior modification coaching one of the Fat Loss Coach’s principles is the truth should override the facts… It is quite common for a former client to return seeking my help; in fact one out of every four ca...
lls I receive is someone I have already helped, so why do they return? I am usually told, “Coach your program is the only program I could make a lifestyle which worked”…

Today is no exception; Rhea returned back for my help and she even brought her old program with her… It is also common no matter how long it has been for the former client to say, “Coach you never change”… The cover of her ten-year program was proof… The same is true about the facts verses the truth; though the fact of our circumstances change the truth our beliefs should not…

The principles behind my nutrition concept are as cutting edge and scientifically as much a breakthrough at managing hormone and metabolic responses as they were 23 years ago when I first discovered them… Many weight loss concepts based on one-dimensional facts have come and gone but the truth of our design remains the same… Coach

Tuesday, May 13, 2014



Big news today at Physique Plus, they announced the retirement of the couch… No not the Coach, the couch… The Coach is still going strong, he feels like he’s just getting started… Over the last 23 over 15,000 have visited both the couch and the Coach… Well one of them wore out… After playing its part in losing 600,000 pounds of fat the couch is being sent off to retirement… The Coach said, there are millions of pounds still to be lost… Coach will be breaking in a new rookie couch later today…

The RIGHT WAY Is Not Slow

The RIGHT WAY Is Not Slow

The quickest way to the desires of your heart is the straight path of doing what is right… Over decades the Coach has been so troubled by the thousands I meet who have been hurt by broken promises of quick fix di...
ets and weight loss solutions… How does someone believe the answer could be you don’t have to change your lifestyle; just take our drink, pill or magical power and your problem will go away? I believe frustration opens the door to desperation… It also leads to feelings doing the right thing will take too long and it will be too much effort…

Well the Coach has spent a large part of my life PROVING those thoughts couldn’t be any further from the truth… Let me prove again today the quicken way to your ideal body composition and ideal health is; right food, right amount and at the right time… America open your eyes the solution is doing what is RIGHT…

My story today is amazing… I met Ioanna just 11 weeks ago and she was hyper-glycemic frustrated exercise enthusiast trapped in an over-weight, over-fat body… Today she looks totally amazing… When she showed up for her visit today, I did not even recognize her… She lost 26.5 lb. of fat, gained 2 lb. of muscle and her hyper-glycemia has been cured; all in just 11 weeks… She has been healed of a condition heading her in the direction of diabetes… Her body fat went from 41% to 27% in only 11 weeks at a body weight of only 127 lb.… This amazing change all came from the shortest route, learn how your body hormonally and metabolically works and create a lifestyle to live within it… I am so blessed to have played my part in Ioanna being healed… Coach

The RIGHT Size To Fit YOU

The RIGHT Size To Fit YOU

The most common comment I hear from new clients is, ”Coach I try to eat right, but something is wrong”… What I believe they are really saying is they eat good foods, but they don’t know how to eat them right… Th...
e problem is there are no right foods if you eat them in the wrong amount, and too little is just as wrong as too much… Most who have attempted to lose weight have followed some type of one-size fits all approach… The outcome is always a frustrated dieter trapped in a soft body, tired, hungry and almost impossible to maintain an active exercise lifestyle… There is only one size; the right size that fits you…

My story today is about Kristi, who was so frustrated she was considering having a cosmetic procedure to remove the un-fatted fat… What makes the story so special is the doctor who does the highly desired procedure referred Kristi to me… This well respected physician refers me more patients than he performs the procedure on, because he knows most are in need of a healthy new lifestyle…

I am happy to report Kristi lost 11.2 lb. of fat and her body fat dropped from 33.1% to 26.5% at a body weight of only 126 lb. in only three weeks… Kristi is an avid exercise enthusiast and now has 3 lb. more of lean muscle to show for her efforts… She looks amazing and several of her friends are now on the same healthy journey, because of her success… Coach



Two nights ago in my dream I heard these words; "reach for the sky".... As I prayed about it this morning and the Lord showed it had a double meaning... In my dream my hands were raised in victory and the battle was won.....
.. The other meaning is when we raise our hands in surrender during hold up or in many more instances during give up....

Well The Fat Loss Coach spends most of his day encouraging my clients to walk in victory.... We all face trials and when tested we must rise up and never give up....

Today my story is of Terry's amazing victory.... Terri lost 24.1 lbs. of fat and gained 4 lb. of lean muscle and defeated many years of poor eating behavior.... The goals we originally set, which she thought were beyond her reach are well planted in her heart and soon will fully manifest in her body…

Some time back the Lord spoke this prophetic word to me and I think it best fits my story today… The Lord said, “Rise up for I have called you to be a sky-walker… For I have made you to walk with Me on mountains… For I have chosen you to walk upon the water… For I have given you faith without measure… There will be no limit or border for what we will do together… Everyone trust in God and reach for the sky… Coach



No matter what size your problem it will be defeated when you know what to do and do what you know… The Coach gets real excited when I see the remarkable changes in short periods of time; when you learn to liv...
e within your hormone and metabolic design…

My story today is of a big victory in a small package… Salma is 4’11.5” and each time she visits me Salma reminds the Coach of the ½ inch… The Coach cannot make her taller, but he can sure make her leaner and real fast… Salma lost 9.8 lb. of fat in only three week, at a body weight of only 128 lb…. She is the captain of her high school tennis team, which is un-defeated, and when it comes to losing fat Salma is un-defeated as well… Coach

One of my favorite promises of my Christian faith is a principle I teach each day in my nutrition practice... The promise is if any one be in Christ they are a "new creation" the old has gone the ne...
w has come.... This promise guarantees my "old nature" has been made new in Christ....

The same is true with a healthy new lifestyle when you accept it holistically... The old unhealthy lifestyle is gone replaced with a new identity... Your new nature becomes your new username, password, pin number; you can't move forward without the password... Your old password does not work anymore...

My clients who receive the largest physical change are the ones who transformed their heart and who they are now changes where they are.... The process is a simple one; think it, speak it, repeat it, become it and you'll possess it.... Coach


Over the years it's surprising how some resist the change of a healthy new lifestyle because they believe portioning their food is too much work... How could we think carrying excess weight 24 hours per is easier work...

This Is how I met Bill... I had helped Bill's wife several years ago lose a large amount of weight, but Bill kept resisting her desire for him to share in her lifestyle; because he did not want to measure food...

Well I'm happy to report Bill's attitude is much different now that he has lost 51 lb. of fat in only 9 weeks... On his last visit with the Coach I brought in two 25 lb weight and made Bill hold them for just one minute then put them down... His response was he was now willing to measure his food with laser beams if need be, because he was never carrying that 51 lbs. again... Coach