Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10 Ways to Change Your Health TODAY

With the end of the year looming and New Year’s Resolutions around the corner, we thought we would give you a head start on 2012 goals. Our mission is to make America healthier and offer these 10 ways to change your health today:
1.     We are here for you! If you are not near our locations, please call us and find out how we can help you be healthier with a personalized plan.
2.     Eat breakfast. Your mom was right and breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It sets your metabolism for the rest of the day.
3.     Don’t skip meals. Your body enters starvation mode when it isn’t being fed. You will store fat no matter how active you are. Eating within an hour of waking also increases metabolism.
4.     Snacks are good….if they are healthy snacks. Fruit or vegetable and protein are always a healthy choice.
5.     Put your walking shoes on and go for a walk. Even if you start by walking to the mailbox, you have started the path to healthy living. Take one step at a time and you will see results.
6.     Healthy and easy to prepare recipes are important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you aren’t satiated then you’re more likely to over eat the wrong foods.
7.     Stop eating at least three hours before bedtime so food has time to digest.
8.     Accountability is important. Write down what you eat and have someone you can confide in on good…and bad days. Grab a neighbor and go for a walk instead of choosing an unhealthy option.
9.     You are what you eat. It’s not just a turn of phrase, it is true. Science is providing evidence of diseases caused by obesity such as fatty liver disease. When you eat a lot of fat you become fat.
10.  It’s in the numbers. To decrease the number on the scale the energy in must be less than the energy out.
Grab your water, lace up your shoes and go for a walk. It’s your first step to a healthier you!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

5 Diseases Associated with Obesity

America, we’re fat and getting fatter by the hour! The Fat Loss Coach and his team have a lot of people to reach before our mission to have a fat free America is complete. If you think “you are what you eat” isn’t a true statement you’re dead wrong. Excessive fat storage causes and is underlying to a host of diseases. Here are five diseases associated with obesity:

1.     Heart enlargement: Increasing body mass as occurs in obese patients means the heart is pumping blood to more areas of the body. As a result of working harder the heart becomes enlarged.   

2.     Diabetes: This condition is caused when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin. It often occurs when excessive fat accumulates in the body making cells resistant to insulin. In some cases diabetes can be eliminated with proper diet and exercise. The Fat Loss Coach has helped more than 800 diabetes patients beat the condition.

3.     Fatty liver disease: This condition occurs when fat develops in the cells of the liver and is irreversible.
4.     Depression: When we are active our body produces proper amounts of chemicals that keep us happy and also well-rested. They are called serotonin and melatonin. When these chemicals are out of balance patients experience changes to appetite, depression and insomnia among other symptoms. Having the proper diet and exercise program will help the body produce proper amounts of these important chemicals.

5.     Lymph Edema: Commonly associated with cancer patients who have had lymph nodes removed, this disease causes the body to swell. In obese patients this is cause by fat stifling the function of the lymph nodes effectively shutting them down.

If you have any or all of these please call us! We are here to help you learn to live a healthy lifestyle by choosing the right foods and activities. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fuel Your Way To Your Ideal Weight

Fuel Your Way To Your Ideal Weight

Over the last two decades after interviewing over fourteen thousand clients and having done more than seventy thousand counseling sessions you could say I have strong opinions on weight management…   My views are based on the evidence historically discovered about behavior patterns, which are common and reoccurring in individuals in need of weight loss…

I believe it will take more than some systematic plan of sound nutrition to solve America’s great weight problem…  It will take major lifestyle reformation…  Most overweight individuals I meet, have lifestyles outside their bodies hormonal design…  Though many are deceived in thinking if someone could just teach me what to eat…  The problem is with all the information they are fed, no pun intended, though media sources, they already know about what foods are right…  They just don’t know how to0 use them right…

So a large part of my teaching is to explain the biological effect the foods we eat have on blood sugar and our bodies hormone responses…  Learning how to manage these responses will do more than lose weight, it will manage body composition (muscle/fat ratio), energy, digestion, mood, recuperation, sleep and many health benefits…  he large list of benefits makes this a priority to manage…

Our perception of food is as important to change as the foods themselves…  One of my pet phases is food must become nutritional fuel…   Now I know what your thinking, here we go, he’s going to compare me to a car…  Well I guess the joke would be on you…  Most who struggle with their weight know more about the gas, oil and antifreeze purpose for their car, then protein, carbohydrates and fats role on their hormonal responses…

The shame is it’s easy to learn…  I could teach it to your six year old child…  No, really…  In fact it reminds me of a life changing counseling session I had…  The session started with a client who brought her six year old daughter …  She said the girl would be no trouble, she’ll just color as we speak…  At the end of the meeting, the woman commented, I like your scientific and holistic approach, but I don’t think I would be able to see food is fuel…  I said, “I can teach it to your little girl…  She was quick to comment, “No you can’t”…

So I turned to the little girl holding up two business cards and said, “Honey in my left hand is a ice cream sandwich and my right hand is a tuna sandwich, which one would you like?  She of course said, “Ice cream”…  I said, “I understand honey, ice cream tastes better’”…  I turned to the mother and asked, “ which of the two will manage your blood sugar?   The woman replied, “tuna”..  Which will feed your muscles?  She responded, “tuna”…  Which will supply your body with the needed vitamins and minerals?  She answered, “tuna”…  Which will get you to your ideal weight and keep you there?  She responded, “tuna’…  Which will improve your blood chemistry and stabilize your energy and moods?  Once again, she replied, “tuna’…

I now turn to the little girl and ask, “honey you can have either one, ice cream or tuna, which one do you what?  You can guess what came next, the smart little girl got it, she replied, “I’ll have the tuna”…

So if you are in need of weight loss, isn’t it time we lose our child like desires, and learn how to nutritionally fuel our bodies?  So the question is, will it be ice cream or tuna?

5 Reasons Fat Loss is Good for You

Americans are getting fatter by the generation. It’s a fact. This generation of children is the first whose life expectancy is less than that of their parents. That’s to be expected since obese parents are more likely to have obese children. $34 billion is spent by Americans annually on diets that aren’t burning fat and teaching us how to live a healthy life.

That’s where The Fat Loss Coach comes in with his proven track record of helping people lose weight and live healthier lives.

Here are five reasons fat loss is good for you:

1.     10% Rule: Losing 10% of weight can mean a new lease on life for many obese and overweight people. Their medical conditions caused by their weight begin to diminish. They can breathe and move easier. 
2.     Fat kills. Morbidly obese people actually have fat on their organs! Their organs are already compromised by their obesity and adding fat to the organ causes organ failure and even death.
3.     Diabetes: Some forms of diabetes are manageable with food and diet. Often obese patients who lose weight and continue a healthy lifestyle no longer need insulin. Without the extra weight their bodies are able to function more efficiently.
4.     Blood Pressure: Beginning a fat loss plan along with being active will decrease blood pressure in obese patients who previously had high blood pressure. Often they no longer need blood pressure medication.
5.     Root Cause: Identifying the root cause of overeating is important to a sustained recovery and healthy lifestyle. Without identifying the cause patients will become obese in the future.

The Fat Loss Coach team will design a personalized plan to meet your personal needs and physical abilities. We want you to be a healthier you!
